Chapter 3

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*In class

Teacher: Mr.Walker!

Norm: (Sleeping)

Teacher: Mr.Walker! (piss off)

Shawn: Hey Norm, Wake up!

Norm: (wake up and don't know what's going on)

Shawn: Hey Dude! Read your book on page 4.

Norm: (stand up then read his books) Polynomial is an expression consisting of variables and coefficients.

(everyone laughs)

Teacher: Well, that's good if I was a math teacher but the problem is I'm a history teacher you slacker!

Norm:(Looking at Shawn) You asshole!

Teacher: Mr.Walker, because you're sleeping in class I have a suprise question for you and if you can't answer it I don't want to see you in my class anymore.

Norm: Okay Sir.

Teacher:Here's the question.  Who killed Julius Caesar?

Norm: Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the Ides of March by a group of 60 Roman Senators and Politicians on the floor of the Roman Senate. The leaders of the conspiracy was Manius Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus. The Politicians feared that Caesar would destroy the Republic by becoming Dictator for life.

(the whole class is amazed)


Norm: Am I correct Sir?

Teacher: How on hell did you know the answer!

Norm: Sir, I already answer your first question and I don't want to answer that question. Sir, if you don't mind may I sit now.

Teacher: Yes. You can sit now

*Bell rings

Teacher: Bye Class

Shawn: Nice Dude!(Laughing)

Norm: Fuck You!

(shawn will approach a group of girls)

Shawn: Hi Ladies, can I eat my lunch with you.

Rayn: Sure

Shawn: Hey Dude! Wanna eat with us

Norm: No Thanks

Shawn: Okay Dude we're going now

(Shawn and the girls will go to the cafeteria while Norm will stay in the classroom)

*Shawn conversation with the girls in the cafeteria

Shawn: Knock Knock

Girls: Who's there?


Girl: Tuna who?

Shawn: You can tuna piano but you can't tuna fish

(all girls will laugh)

Rayn: You're such a funny guy


Shawn: Thank You! My Ladies

Rayn:by the way, You're a funny guy and Norm is a boring guy. How did you became bestfriends?

Shawn: It's a long story

Audrey: Tell us please



(Middle School)

Teacher: Class, You have a new classmate today. You may now enter the room

(Shawn enters the room)

Teacher: Introduce yourself

Shawn: Hi Guys, My name is Shawn and I'm 14 years old. I hope all of you become my friends

Teacher: Shawn, You can choose where you want to sit.

Classmates: Hey Bro sit here.........No Here.........Hey Cutey sit besides me.....

Shawn: I want to sit there(point at the chair besides Norm)

Teacher: So, you want to sit besides Mr.Walker?

Shawn: Yes sir

Teacher: Okay

Classmates: Don't sit besides him, He's a boring guy.........Yeah, He's a boring guy

Shawn: It's okay

(Shawn go to the chair and sit beside Norm)

Shawn: Nice meeting you. I'm shawn (offer his hand for a handshake)


Shawn: okay

Shawn: You must be popular in this school because you're so handsome

Norm:(not giving attention)

Shawn: Hey dude what are your hobbies?


Shawn: Me, I like to play computer games

Norm: Look Man, I don't give a fuck about you, so, can you shut your fucking mouth?!

Shawn: Oh, I'm sorry I just want to make friends to you

*TIme to go home

Teacher: Okay Class you can go home now.

( a girl will approach Norm)

Girl: mhhhm, You know, I , I, I adore you since the first time I saw you so please accept this ( give a live letter to Norm)

Norm: (snob then walk out)


Shawn: Hey Man( grab then punch Norm)

Norm: You!(punch Shawn)

Shawn: is that easy to you to make a girl cry(punch Norm again)

Norm: what if I say yes(punch Shawn)

Shawn: You Bastard(punch Norm)

Norm: Don't give a fuck about my life(Punch Shawn)

Shawn: I don't care about your life but if you hurt a girl I will not think twice to punch you(Punch Norm)

Classmates: Hey Let stop them.........No, Let them kill theirselves ...........Yeah, I think so, just let them solve their quarrel like a Man

( Norm and Shawn both beat up and lying on the floor)

Shawn: you know you punch really hard(breathing hard)

Norm: You too

Shawn: Hey Man, What's really the problem in your life maybe I can help you

Norm: Even I don't know what's wrong with me

Shawn: Maybe you just need a friend

Norm: but I don't know how to have a friend

Shawn: You already have

Norm: Who?

Shawn: Me

Norm: You?

Shawn: Yes, why?, is there a problem?

Norm: but I'm always talking shit to you

Shawn: It's okay, Friends always talk shit to each other, So, We're friends?

Norm: Yes


Shawn: That's how we became friends

Rayn: what a peculiar way to become friends(amaze)

Shawn: I agree but you know, Norm had change a lot now 

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