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"Mason, what the fuck?" Swagger practically yelled, waking Mason up from his sleep.
"The fuck cunts." Mason said, sitting up and putting his head in his hands.
Swagger walked over to the younger man, grabbing his hand and pulling him off the floor into a hug.
"It's good to see you Mason. Glad you're alive." Matt said, snapping Swagger out of his thoughts. Swagger pulled away from Mason, patting his shoulder in a "manly" way to try and brush off the hug he just gave Mason.
"Good to see you too. Want a smoothie while you're here?" Mason asked, pointing to the machines behind them and looking between the two men as he waited for an answer.
"You know what, that would be really nice. We haven't eaten all day." Swagger answered for the both of them, and Mason grabbed two cups to fill up with a strawberry smoothie.
"How long have you been here?" Matt asked, leaning against the bar.
"I don't know cunt. Maybe a month." Mason replied, pressing on the blender to blend the strawberries.
"How the fuck have you managed to stay here a month? Have you had to deal with many zombies?" Swagger asked over the noise of the blender.
"Not really. I do every once in a while if I make more than 2 smoothies a day. And people don't raid this mall anymore, so I don't have to worry about that." Mason replied, turning off the blender and pouring the drink in a cup before handing it to Swagger, who nodded his thanks. "Let me just say, this is the healthiest I've ever been. I take liquid shits like twice a day, but I feel great." Mason added as he put more strawberries into the blender for Matt's smoothie.
"Yeah. Drinking smoothies everyday for a month as your main source of food will do that to ya." Swagger said, taking a drink.
Mason mixed the drink for Matt, and handed it to him.
"Is anyone else going to show up here?" Mason asked, hopping up onto the counter to sit down.
"Racc and JC are supposed to meet us down here. We don't know how long that will take though." Matt answered for Swagger, sinse he was busy downing his smoothie.
"And Kryoz is supposed to meet us here too. I told him to meet us down in L.A. Might as well get everyone together in one place." Swagger added, setting the empty cup on the counter.

"JC, what the fuck are you doing?" Racc asked, his voice tense as he gripped the armrests of the RV.
"I'm just driving Racc." He replied, glancing at his friend, then back at the road.
"Yeah. Driving like you're fucking crazy!" Racc yelled, freaking out in his seat. In reality, JC was only a slightly bad driver, but that coupled with the fact that Racc is a little sleep deprived, made Racc think JC was going to kill them both.
"Racc, buddy. You need to go to sleep."
"And you need to become a better driver!" Racc's fingers were starting to turn white from how tightly he was gripping the seat.
"Here. I'll stop for a little while so you can sleep, and then you can drive if you want." JC offered. Racc agreed, and JC pulled over to the side of the road to let Racc sleep in peace.

"It shouldn't take them more than a week to get here, and then we can find a way to meet up with Toby and Fitz." Swagger filled Mason in on the plan.
"Right. That sounds good." Mason replied, agreeing to follow the plan. After the conversation died, Mason looked around outside the bar. "I wonder where Jay is. He should've been back by now." Mason grabbed a belt that had what looked like smoke bombs attached to it, and stepped outside of the smoothie bar, looking for Jay.
"Help!" A voice yelled in the distance. It was Jay. All three men looked at each other and ran off towards the direction the noise came from. "Mason! Need a little help here!" Jay called again.
The three slowed down to a stop when they saw Jay had climbed on the jungle gym in the children's play area, about a dozen zombies crowded around the bottom.
Mason grabbed one of the little devices on his belt, pulling it off and throwing it into the group of the undead. It went off at their feet, and covered them in a cloud of smoke.
"Dammit. Wrong one." Mason said, grabbing one from the other side and throwing it. The little bomb exploded, disapating the cloud of smoke from the smoke bomb, and shocking the zombies.
Matt and Swager ran in with their weapons to help save Jay. While Matt was bashing skulls, Swagger was yeeting zombies heads across the room with his STOP sign. Zuckles picked off the zombies that were trying to pile on top of the boys to overpower them.
It was a struggle, but they managed to kill every last zombie. Jay climbed down from the jungle gym.
"Thank you so much. I was dead meat for a minute there." Jay thanked them, looking around at all the dead corpses.
"What the hell were you doing?" Swagger asked after he played baseball with one of the zombie's heads. It flew out of the play area, and smacked against the bars of a chained off store.
"I was wandering around, looking for something other than smoothies to eat, when I came across some zombies. I distracted them from what they were eating, and they decided I was tastier, so they chased me here. Thank God they can't climb." Jay retold what happened to the boys, who listened quietly.
"Well, we're glad you're okay dude." Matt said, clapping Jay on the shoulder.
The four of them walked back to the smoothie bar that was Mason and Jay's base. They filled Jay in on the plan to stay here and wait for more of the boys before moving.

"So we're waiting for JC and Racc?" Jay asked, setting his weapon on the counter.
"And Kryoz." Swagger added.
"Right, and Kryoz. And after they get here we're going to go looking for Smitty and Carson?" Jay asked, making sure he had the plan right.
"Yup. That's the plan." Matt confirmed.
"Alright. I guess we just wait then." Jay replied, a smile forming on his face. He was happy that his friends were alive, and coming together.

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