Chapter 16 - A nightmare

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Angie's POV:

It's been two months since German left to his business trip and I miss him so much and so does Julietta and everyone else.

A few days ago I had a dream where I saw him kissing another woman and I keep having this dream for the last days and I'm restless, upset and I don't even know what else but I just want him back home as soon as possible before I'm going crazy!!

I was thinking about the same thing again in the teachers room when Esmeralda snapped me out of my thoughts.

- Angie... Are you sure you're okay? - she asked me. She was definitely worried about me because she keeps asking the same question every day.

- Just this dream that I see every night... It makes me so upset and want to cry... - I moaned.

- German wouldn't do anything like that to you, you know that...

- I know, I know...

- Then stop worrying about him cheating on you!

- I can't help it... I know I'm not the best wife to him though...

Then Gregorio came in with Vicky.

- Maybe you think that but he doesn't... otherwise he wouldn't be so protective towards you, Angie... - said Gregorio.

- I guess you're right... - I sighed.

- Angie! How about we go shopping later today? - Vicky said, trying to cheer me up.

- Okay... That sounds good - I smiled.

- Yay! I bet you'll feel better! We'll find you a sexy dress to surprise German with it when he's back!

I immediately blushed as she said that.

Gregorio's POV:

Angie's so stressed out lately and I can't do anything to help her which upsets even me but hopefully Vicky's idea will cheer her up a bit this afternoon.

- Are you coming with us, Gregorio? - Vicky suddenly asked me with a cheeky grin on her face.

- W-What?! - I stuttered - I don't think I should...

- Why?? Atleast we could hear a man's opinion too!

I was a little bit confused when I looked at Angie who was trying to hold back her laughter.

- Seems like Angie likes the idea - I said while looked at her.

- I actually do - she giggled.

- Well... then okay... I'm going with you.

They both started laughing and I couldn't help but giggle too.

Vicky's POV:

Later that day the three of us went to shopping and me and Angie were looking for something pretty or rather sexy to wear.

Soon Angie found a red dress which looked really good on her in my opinion and when I looked towards Gregorio his mouth almost like hang open when he saw her in the dress.

- You look amazing! - he said.

- German will love that for sure! - I added.

- Thank you... - she smiled and blushed lightly.

After two hours we decided to go home and Gregorio stayed with us for dinner again and even Angie became much happier for the night.

I was really glad to see everyone happy even though I can understand Angie... I miss German too and I can see that Julietta and Vilu too.

Yesterday even Julietta was trying to say her first word which sounded something like "daddy" but it didn't work yet.

She misses him too...

Angie's POV:

Before Gregorio could leave I caught at the doorway.

- Thank you for today! I'm glad you came with us and stayed for dinner too! - I said, smiling.

- No problem - he replied with a smile - I want to see you happy... - he added then pulled me into a hug.

- Well... I'm much happier than I was earlier today for sure... - I smiled more while hugging him back.

 - That's good... - he said - Stay this way until German comes back.

 - Okay... I'll try...

When he left I also went to make sure Julietta's sleeping then I went to sleep too.

On the next morning I realized I haven't got the same horrible dream and I was much more happy then in the past days.

Seems like yesterday's shopping and having fun made me feel a lot better.

After feeding Julietta I told Olga to look after her while I'll be in the Studio for the next three hours and I left the house.

I had three class today and I wanted to focus on them and not thinking about anything else.

My last class was with Nicholas and he was being a dick today so I tried my best to ignore him the whole time and just focus on teaching.

When the class ended he quickly left and I just enjoyed being alone in the classroom and started playing on the piano my favorite song. The song that German wrote for me and which always makes me happy.

I was deep in thought I suddenly heard a familiar voice from the door...

- Angie!

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