Chapter 16

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Beyonce - Best thing I never had


         "I simply love your hair Gwen"Mira commended for the nth time. She had been going on and on about my hair and how long it was while she performed her 'Mira Magic' as she called it.

        I sat down before her full length mirror as she styled my hair. I looked well,not too bad if you ask me. Mira was really good at the whole make up and hair styling thing though. I wonder how she got to learn it. The makeup was flawless,not too much,not too bland.

       "All done"she said as she stepped back and I looked up at myself. I,myself was in awe. I just couldn't believe this was me.

      "What do you think?"she asked coming to stand beside me.

       "It's so beautiful,you're amazing Mira"I told her.

     "That's because you,you're beautiful and amazing"she told me with a smile which I returned.

       "How did you even learn this?"I asked her standing up from where I sat.

      "Old college days,it was so intriguing those years and Blayze would always...."she stopped midway in her sentence. I watched her countenance drop as she sat on her bed.

        "I'm probably boring you with this,you should go put on your dress"she told me. I took a sit beside her. I had all the time to talk besides she had forced me to start getting ready for this by 2pm.

       "No"I told her turning her face back to me.

        "No,you're not so tell me,you need to say something,if it hurts,then say it just don't keep it in.....what happened between you two?"I asked her taking her hands in mine.

        She stared at me for a while before she averted her gaze again.
        "Mira...."I gave her hands a light squeeze.

        "I don't want to bother you with all my problems Gwen,just let it be,I'm used to it, there's never been anyone I can tell...."she withdrew.

        "But I'm here now and I'm going to listen so say it, I'm going to listen to every word you have to say,I can't watch you do this to yourself"I looked straight into her orbs. I knew she was hurt,but if I was going to help her,she had to let me in. I've stayed quiet for too long now.

           She looked at me for a moment before she sighed. I watched her face carefully for any change.

          "He was someone I always admired though"she said as she stood up and moved to her window. She stood leaning on the wall and looking out.

         "I looked forward to functions when I was little because he would be there,it wasn't a crush though,wasn't enough to give me the butterflies,I was little anyway"she continued.

         "We attended the same high school,weren't all that close there,we we're just friends" I watched her listening to every word she spoke.

         "Then in college,we got really close,we weren't dating but I knew I felt something for him. I didn't want to admit it."she stopped. I walked towards where she stood.

         "Long story cut short,he made out with my roommate at a restaurant. The same one we were supposed to meet at that day"she brushed the tear drop from her eye tips with her index.

       "He didn't cheat because we weren't dating but that's what it felt like,I felt shattered,pained......I was so confused why I felt that way and why I still can't let it go" her tears ran down her face continuously.

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