Chapter 43

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Camilla Cabello- Consequences


            I stood by the glass window watching as the bits of snow hit the glasses fiercely before dropping to the floor. It's been a week since mum left but with each passing day,I feel even more empty. I was more or less living dead, it had gotten to the point where I didnt care what I looked like or that I had a life. The fact that she was gone was just too much weight and pain to bear. I wasn't given the time to even prepare my mind for the worse,the bomb was just dropped on me.

             I closed my eyes,allowed the tears stroke my cheeks again for the nth time that day, the day of her funeral. It turned out simple and quiet,just as I'd hoped it to be. I didnt want to see those family members act like they did everything to help her at her funeral, people who behaved like we never existed. As her coffin was being lowered,I felt my whole body grow even weaker as the tears continued to stain my face. From the corner of my eyes, I could see how much Ethan grieved,the unnoticed tears that escaped his orbs,I guess it wasnt easy for him either.

            So it had been me,the royal family,Viola and a few other people who happened to know us in New York. The weaker my body got,the tighter Caleb held me in his arms,not letting me go for even one second. He didnt know,but he was the one thing that was keeping me from reaching a terrifying apex now. He held me through the night, through the day and even though he didnt say much,he gave me so much comfort. He wasnt pushing me to do anything, he was simply supporting me in anything I chose to do,just like when I wanted the funeral to be a quiet one.

            Gripping the fine material of the plain black gown which I had manage to pull on myself today, I wept. My bones hurt and my head kept spinning. I couldnt just bring myself to wrap it around my head that she was gone, I didnt even get to hear her parting words. I clenched the fabric tighter as I began to lose myself,something that had come to be a frequent this past few days. Just before my vision could go black,I felt arms encircle my little frame.

             "Princess!" I heard the familiar voice exclaim bringing me back to earth before I could hit the floor. My eyes weighed so much at this point that the light hurt and I couldn't get a proper glimpse of his face.

            I tried to give off a smile but my efforts were rendered futile as my lips crashed back down. "I'm sorry,I shouldn't have left you" he whispered picking me up slowly into his arms then heading for the bed,placing me softly down into the sheets before taking a seat beside me.

           "I'm sorry princess" His words fell faintly on my ears as he placed my head on his thighs. None of us had changed out of what we had worn to the funeral,he was still in his plain black suit.

             The words brought more tears to my eyes and I did nothing to stop them. When he noticed,he pulled me up,wrapping his arms around my torso and running his fingers through my hair.

             "I really just......can't believe she's gone,I really can't" my voice screeched lowly. Just like all the other days, I cried till I lost even the will to cry and all through, Caleb remained there with me and the assurance he gave me in his unspoken words was better than the spoken words of condolences anyone had offered me.


         "Take it easy Caleb, it'll be okay" Sean assured from where he sat beside me in the living room of where I was currently staying with Miranda and Gwen.

            "I know " I said lowly as a stray drop of tear escaped my eye. I couldn't show this side of me to her because I knew she needed someone to be strong for her,not to break her even more. It felt utterly horrible,watching each day bring more sorrow than the day that had passed. I just couldnt bear her cries every single day,she hurt badly and it hurt me just as much seeing her that way.

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