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'So this is the first vamp attack we've had?' Locke questioned, scanning the other news papers I had laid out on the table.
'I would assume so,' Bax's voice answered for me 'There is nothing else that fits the description.' I looked out the window, the light was brightening with every minute, soon it would be midday. This reminded me that Locke's way of travelling relies on the light of evening or morning to fold the landscapes around her and step through the fold she made.
'Locke, do you need to get home soon? It's almost midday and you will be stuck here till five.' I asked. I knew her mother would be angry if she wasn't home on time. Sometimes when your mothers a sorceress it's good not to anger her.'Nope, I was told back in three days to check in.' I smiled, three days of feeling complete and happy with my friends. Bax pulled me out the forest of my mind. 'There is an account of another murder.'
'Vampires?' I questioned. My reply was worrying. 'Samuel Parks and Rosalind Fletcher were found dead by the Troutwell lake, bodies drained of blood and eyes missing.' So either an organised feed from some cleverer vampires, which was highly unlikely, a human murderer, also highly unlikely or a... going from the eyes missing, demon crow? Nah, that's almost a definitely not. 'Eyes missing? Ugh, some crows must have got to the bodies.' I said, expressing my disgust. I was alright with the usual vampire kill, but as soon as it came to dismembering or removing body parts? I was staying well away. 'There were no crows.' Bax has an obvious opinion. 'How can we be sure? Crows like eyes. It's part of the reason I don't like crows.' Bax still had a definite opinion. 'There were no crows.' I checked the paper. 'Look Bax, it says here. Crows found the bodies, the eyes were, ugh, pecked out.' Yep, this made me uncomfortable. Looks like you can't change one of Bax's definite opinions. 'There were no crows.' To save me from an argument the doorbell rang. I knew who it was and didn't need them right now. Could I just.. pretend I was out? The doorbell rang again, followed by a sharp rap of four or five knocks on the door. So much for that idea.

I was right. At my door was a boy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Samuel. Just what I needed was my paperboy at the door, while I was trying to locate vampires. Oh, and trying to convince Bax that not all his opinion are true.
'Hey Sam, what do you need?' I asked, trying my best to mask the annoyance I was feeling.
'I need your help.' He said, his hair catching the light so the ginger hues shone out. Many people would have thought his hair was beautiful, but then again, many people hadn't seen the pelt of a star fox. Then they'd see what beauty is. Anyway, no I don't have a crush on Bax. There might just be feeling for Locke though. I will give you that. As Sam spoke again I was dragged out of my thoughts and back to my doorstep. 'I'm investigating the murders of Parks and Fletcher. You uh, solved who broke into my house and I uh, thought you could help.'
My reply was blunt and, if I could do this moment again I probably would let him in and explain everything to him. Not that at the time I was in the mood at all. 'Yes Sam, I do like solving things. Yes Sam I helped you solve the crime of who broke your mothers case, yes Sam I would like to help you solve any problems you have. No Sam, am I getting involved with murder, I don't want to end up by Troutwell lake.' Sam looked at me surprised. 'The word no has the same effect, it's also a little more polite Amber.' He spoke softly, and I instantly felt guilty. Great.

Enjoyed this one? Please let me know! Be warned, Bax is very stubborn.

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