marcheur de nuit

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it's raining tonight, hard, just the way i like it. it's easier to sneak out when it's storming, ma can't hear my window open because of the rain pelting against the roof. how she doesn't hear my footsteps against the rain, i'm not sure, but she's never said a word about it. whether that means she doesn't know or that she doesn't care really doesn't matter to me.

"goodnight, ma!" i shout as i walk past her closed bedroom door, heading towards my own.

"goodnight, son." she mumbles quietly. i know she's nearly asleep by now. it's almost concerning, how early she falls asleep nowadays. it's only 8:30 PM. almost. i close my door behind me and lie down on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

ma chérie: the storm is picking up, are you leaving soon?

me: of course i am, chérie. don't you worry that pretty little head of yours any longer.

ma chérie: it's really coming down, make sure you wear an extra coat...

me: what did i just say about worrying that pretty little head of yours? i'll be fine. see you soon.

i don't bother with that extra coat— my usual black hoodie, and black jeans, and black shoes are just enough. they always are. i slip through my window effortlessly, lightly stepping across the roof, jumping down into the yard. i begin to make my way towards the next town over, it's not a terribly long walk. the rain makes it better. i keep my head down and my hood up, as always, my eyes stay trained to my feet.

right. left. right. left. right. left. right. left. there's a puddle, i had to jump over it. left. right. left. right. wrong. that's wrong. stop. breathe. go. right. left. right. left. right. left.

the street lamp on the corner i'm about to turn on to is flickering again. three times. stop. three times. stop. three times.

the tree in the park i'm headed towards houses a boy, whose unruly blonde curls are matted against his forehead with rain, a sloppy grin wipes across his face when he sees me.

"bonjour ma chérie, how are you on this fine, stormy wednesday night? hm?" i muse, pulling him towards me, placing a kiss on his lips. a kiss that causes a swarm of butterfly giggles to leave his mouth.

"hi, ty." he blushes. my boy. i intertwine our fingers together and soon enough we're strolling through the park. joshua is telling me of his day. i'm listening contently. i stop to kiss him ever so often. my brain swarms.

"i missed you, tyler." joshua sighs, leaning his head on my shoulder.

my lungs feels tight, it's like atlas has chosen to put the earth down right on my chest. i can't hold the weight of the world, i'm just a mortal, i'm not strong enough. tears sting the back of my eyes, threatening to pour out, i blink them back as quickly as i can. i can see joshua's blonde hair out of the corner of my eye and my heart aches. my boy, my beautiful, beautiful boy. how could the world ever let anything so innocent fall into the arms of someone so horrid, let alone miss them. he's too pretty, too pure, too kind.

"i missed you, as well, joshua." i finally breathe out, wrapping my arm around his shoulder.

"what's wrong, ty?" joshua's puppy dog eyes are too capturing to allow me to lie to him.

"i just love you so much, chérie. and i'm no good for you. some would call me a...  marcheur de nuit... don't you want to see the sun again, joshua? don't you miss that warmth on your skin? it's so selfish of me to contain our meetings in the odd hours of the night. you're too beautiful to be hidden in the dark."

"tyler, never seeing the sun again would be too soon... if it meant i had the pleasure of being loved by you." joshua kisses me so passionately that it makes me consider for one moment that i am not selfish.

"je t 'aime chéri."

"i love you more, mon chevalier."

• • •

this is the first chapter / sneak peak at a story i had an idea for.
i don't know how i feel about it.
let me know your thoughts.

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