6. In

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"Morning, my name is Taehyung! Nice to meet you all"

"Oh hello you must be the new guy! Welcome"

Taehyung proceeded to do a full 90 degree bow as he walmed walked into one of the staff rooms, it felt nice knowing that he wasnt compleatly alone in this hell and luckly everyone seemed nice enaugh to talk to.
Taehyung let out a small sigh befire a sudden punject scent of vanilla collided with his senses as he glanced around.

Today he wore slick black suit which had been given to him yesturday, because he didn't want to make it dirty on the way to work he desided to change in the changingrooms instead with all the other workers.
He didnt mind a bit of socialising every now and then.

"So what's your job here? Are you a new butler?"

Taehyung heard from beside him and he thought for a couple of seconds before shaking his head as be streached his arms up in the air tiresomly as a deep grunt escaped his lips.
He didn't seem to have slept to well the other night because of the constant road works outside his house, which made it even harder for him to think.
"No not really.. im supose to look after that park kid"
Taehyung mumbled to which everyone went silent before bursting into laughter, Taehyung was slightly taken aback by the sharp change of mood.

"Good luck Taehyung, im not sure if they told you this but that kid is the devil himself. He never leaves that cursed chair of his and makes everyone do things for him, he is just a brat born with a silver spoon!!"

Taehyung chuckled at the others harsh remarks, he agreed with that statement 100%, it was only the second day and he was already dreading being anywhere near that two horned monster. Even so he knew it wasn't right to Judge people by first impressions so he was willing to stick around and give the others another chance.

"Good morning Sir Park"

Taehyung spoke hesitantly as he bowed down, waiting for a responce. Any kind of responce would have been fine but all he got was a staggering silence.
Slowly he lifted his head only to see the smaller male leaning against his hand, at first Taehyung thought the other was just ignoring him.
And he wouldn't have been surprised if the smaller was.

That was untill he watched as the others arm slowly slid down, Jimin's head about to hit the table when  Taehyung lunged forward just in time to cushion the fall with his hand.
A job was a job, even thought knocking some brain cells of kindness would have been a good idea, he couldn't help but pitty the smaler.

Taehyung was about to pull his hand away before unconciously taking proper glimpses of Jimin's now piecefull expression, this time proparly as Jimins thick brown fringe had fallen aside
Revealing his gentel yet pale strawberry completion which shon in the light rays which radiated through the windows on the other side of the room.

Taehyung stared a bit longet before quickly pulling away, he wasnt sure why his heart begun to flutter.
But the way the others lips glistened in the sun rays made it hard ti resist the lustfull temptation, luckly the others nasty personality gave Taehyung power to resist.


Taehyung found himself a few meters away as he gripped down onto his chest, ready to smak himself onto to notice as from afar Jimin lifted his head slowly, one side of his cheek bright red from leaning on it for hours.
Taehyung let out a small chuckle as a habbit, having younger siblings sure made him act more comfortable than able in the moment.

"And what might be so funny to you?"
Jimin yawned slowly before sending a glare over at Taehyung who bit down nervously on the inside of his lip, watching as the boy slowly leaned back in his chair.

"Bring me some clothes, and tell the maids to not bother making breakfast. Im not hungry"
Jimin ordered to which he recieved a nod, Taehyung didn't understand why the other couldn't do it himself.
But it wasn't his place to question so he just did what he was told to, Jimin sure trued to exhaust the hell out of Taehyung.
But he wasn't doing this to himself.

"Stop slacking around and bring me my coffee"

"Didn't you say you don't like coffee though"

Taehyung mumbled beneath his breath as he walked back into the room, Taehyung wasn't sure if the other was mad or upset but he just slowly shuffled towards the exit as Jimins glared into the tallers dark gracefull eyes.

"I'll just- get you the coffee.."

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