27. Your

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The air was thick and intoxicating, like a poisonous fume causing Taehyung to self combust as he smashed his fist into a wall.

It was obvious that Jimin was scared, but why would he be scared of someone who he felt safe around?
Why would he be so cold to everyone but him.

Taehyung knew he had to do something but he was already standing outside the gate, facing away as he started heading home.
Feeling a heavy weight in his chest as Jimin's helpless expression kept daunting him, his little Jimin so helpless and frightened while in the hands of people who he should trust.

"Fuck it"
Taehyung scoffed as he turned around before starting running back, he knew this place, even though not perfectly as Jimin could be anywhere in the house.

It hinestly felt like some spy movie ad Taehyung quickly sneeked in through the back before running through the halls, feeling his heart pounding against his chest as he slammed the door to Jimin's bedroom open.
His eyes quickly losing colour.

He wasnt there.

Taehyung took a couple steps back before feeling a hand slipping over his mouth, he was seconds from attacking them before hearing the person quieting him down, pulling the tall male into one of the side rooms.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes ad he turned around only to see Jungkook standing infront of him, Taehyung scoffed before grabbing the others colar thirmly.
"Where the fuck is park Jimin?!"
Taehyung spoke harshly in his deep raspy voice as he glared sharply at Jungkook which caused the other to settle backwards into the wall.
Taehyung was allways so nice, but he wasnt the only one who had two sides depending on his mood.

"Y..you shouldn't be here... and i can't tell you that...but so you know, Yoongi has to have thingd his way. You go and save Jimin then your in danger"
Jungkook's words got himself slammed against the wall further as Taehyung stared down at him.

"Where is he."


Taehyung shoved Jungkook backwards carelessly before rushing towards the basement, tasting the bitter sweet shot of adrenaline kicking through hid body as the moment heard Jimin's silent crys echoing around the long narrowed coridoor.

Taehyung didn't wait any longer the moment he slammed the singke door at the end open, only for his eyes to meet the others glistening orbes that leaked down onto his legs.

If the air had not became so thick maybe he would have been able to think straight, but with the images over his eyes he couldn't.
The smaller males clothes were ripped and scattered.
Taehyung watched as all the workers laughing, staring down at the small male who curled against the wall, was that his punishment for defying his brother?

And there on the floor he saw the leaning used which lingered over the ground, he could see Jimin's expression of pain which hung his face as he noticed Taehyung before looking.
He felt ashamed, he allways acted so high and mighty.
And now what, he was a piece of nothing.
Taehyung didn't wait a second longer as he ran forward before grbbing Jimin into his arms before staring down at the rest with a dark condesending smile.

"You are fucked"
He glared at the people who begun retreating towards the exit but before taehyung could do anything a hoard of poliece men came running in with Jungkook leading the way.

"Ahh... i thought you were going to react this way so i called them...you have a family so be carefull... and honestly i should have been the one to stop all this so ...im at his det"
Jungkook muttered as he looked up at the shivering Jimin who latched onto Taehyung.
"Please forgive me"

He spoke only to be brushed off by Taehyung who rushed out with Jimin in his arms, Yoongi was furious expression as his eyes immediatly traveled to Jungkook.
"You mother fucker- what THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR NO-"

Before Yoongi could finish speakinh Jungkook placed a finger over the small grumpy males small lips.

"Its over, you have lost the deal"

Jungkook whispered before tilting his head as he placed his lips against Yoongi's ones the moment cuffs were set around his wrists.
"We are both going to hell togeather"

"Fuck of bunny rabbit"

The other cursed as he stared up at the others signature smile.

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