12. Want

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"Hey Jimin"

"I t..told you to call me sir Par-"

"Why did you throw the food, and your water at that poor maid? She did nothing wrong"
Taehyung asked, his arms locked around the others waist.
He found this somewhat entertaining, never thought he could make a devil blush.

Not to mention the way Jimins small fingers latched onto Taehyung's shoulders as the others eyes lased over the smaller gently, somehow this angle made Jimin seem less intimidating and more fragile.

It made Taehyung grin.

"And why should i tell you? .... You are all the same."
Jimin hissed beneath his breath, funny thing was that he wasn't even able to look Taehyung in the eye.
His pale cheeks braught back to life.
The taller wasn't sure if it was because the boy was so angree or just flustered.
For some reason he wished it was the latter.

"Well im not sure what you mean by 'your all the same' , but from what i heard you are quite unpopular among the staff"

Taehyung sighed before letting go of Jimin, only to find himself being dragged forward as  the smaller desperatly held onto Taehyung.
This was really something, it was the first time he saw any sort of emotion in those matted eyes.

"why? You have legs dont you, you can do it yourself- or do you like me this much already?"
Taehyung smirked as he watched Jimin before slowly realising this was a genuine struggle, the sight of the smaller shivering with pain.
Taehyung quickly lifted Jimin back up before placing him onto the desk behind them.

"Hey... what's wrong? Do you want me to call the doctor?"

"Huh? What do you mean...didn't they tell you?... Well ofcourse they didn't, to them its useless infirmation.... Im paralised from my hips down, which means i can't walk nor stand in that matter."

Jimin uttered slowly which caused Taehyung to choke on air before feeling his eyes unconciously widened.
"W...what?! no one ever told me that!"

Jimin sighed giving the other a small nodd before looking down at his legs, he felt somewhat ashamed.
Not only for being so weak but also for showing it to a compleat stranger who he met only a couple days agoe.
Infact it pissed him off.
"And what's it to you? If i could get out i would... but im stuck here for the rest of my life"

"That can't be true, is there no possible way of helping you? Like to get your legs back?"
Jimin rolled his eyes at Taehyungs remark, he wasnt going to be tricked again, even if what the other said sounded like a genuin worry.
Afterall they were all the same. Taehyung will only get close to get the money and leave once he gets what he wanted , Jimin didnt need friends.
His best friend was a piece of paper and a pen.

"No idea, most people prefer me this way"

"Why the hell would you think such a thing? No one would want that on any-"
Before Taehyung could finish Jimin let out a small chuckle as he shook his head in pitty, muting Taehyungs words as he watched a small hurtful smile apear on Jimins soft lips.
"Your so gullible arnt you? Ive been in this building my entire life and even i know how crule people can be.
And yet you who lives out there thinks its all happy rainbows? Well im sorry to break it to you but this world is hell for people like me"

Jimin stared down at the ground before feeling a hand slipping over his shoulder, he honestly was about to cut the others hand off if he kept touching him.
And yet he couldn't bare to look him in the eye.

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