Chapter 9: My Special Someones

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This is a different chapter. To close this book I will write to the most amazing people I've met. This chapter will be dedicated to the most important people of my life.


                There are no words to begin describing how grateful I am to have you in my life. To be honest you are the best mother in the world. I'm so extremely proud of you. You have overcome so much in your life and you still manage to survive. I wanna thank you for being there for me all the time. Thank you for all the times that you defended me. Thank you for always putting us first. My sister and I are extremely lucky to have you.

                When daddy left us you never gave up, you always manage to encourage me even when you were having a hard time. You have always been a mother before been a woman. Life has been hard on you, and you have remained strong throughout everything. You have no idea how proud I am of you.

                I can proudly say you are an amazing mother, to be honest I don't know what I would do without you in my life. You are the one that have taught me everything that I know, and thanks to you I am who I am today. I couldn't have done it without you momma. God made an awesome decision when he gave you to me as my mother. You are gift from heaven.

You have never left me alone, not even once. and you don't know how much I love you mom!

What is a best friend?

~In my opinion a best friend is someone who is always there when you need them. Someone who is honest even when it hurts you. Someone who is willing to stand by you no matter what happens. Someone who is loyal, understanding, trustworthy, faithful, unchanging and theres many other words to describe them. I love my best friends.

~Now onto the real definition. A best friend is a person who you value above other friends on your life, someone you have fun with, someone you trust and in whom you confide. The person you first call to tell good news or to just hang out or to go out and eat.


                You are the strongest human being I know. I'm so lucky to have you in my life. We've been together since diapers and never knew how lucky I was until now. You are always there for me and are willing to listen. You always have your arms and ears open and ready to be there. Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on. Never judging me and looking at me in a different way when I tell you things. Nobody know half of the things we tell each other. Nobody gets half our inner jokes unless we tell them. I guess I just want to say thank you for all the laughs and endless memories we've shared. You are the best human being I know.

                I can proudly state that we are best friends. Not because we say it but because we have demonstrate it throughout the years. We have never left each other alone, we gossip together and if one of us does something the other is the first one to know. We have our differences but at the end of the day what ties us is the love that we have for each other not only that but this trust. I will always be there for you as you for me. I promise to never leave you alone and to never let you down. Doesn't mean we won't have our differences and arguments but it does mean we will make it through them. If we have made it up until today together we will make it until the end. I love and don't ever forget!

                You are the best friend anyone could ever ask for. Since we were little we've always been there for each other. Thank you for all the memories you have given me. To be honest I could never complain about you. You are my secret keeper and this is till death due us apart. Yeah we have our fights and arguments because we are not perfect and we don't have the same opinion on some stuff. But no matter what we always make our way back to each other. I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. Thank you especially for the smallest details those that nobody knows except for us. You are the best. You have put up with me throughout everything, don't ever think that I'm going to change you. To be honest I never will, you are the best friend that has ever existed. You are amazing, awesome in your own way. You have seen me in my best and my worst and you have stayed nobody is ever taking this title away from you guys. Thank you for seeing me during heartbreak, happiness, when I'm angry, even when I'm been bipolar and no matter what you have always been there for me. 

With love,

Your Best Friend.


                We've known each other for a few years now. In just a couple months you became my best friend. We have been through so much together, we have our ups and downs but we always find a way to make things work. You have been through so much and still made it. I'm extremely proud of the young man you've become. You are not only humble but an amazing person. To be honest you made such a big impact in my life when I first met you. You are simply one of the most amazing and strong people I've met in my life. Thanks for all the memories and the laughs we've shared in this years. I love you a lot even when I don't show it. Don't ever change the way you are and the way you treat your family. Thanks for all the smiles and the laughs we've shared. We have been through a rough path, but we found a way to make it work. Everyday that passes our friendship grows stronger. I can only thank you enough and God as well for putting someone like you in my way. Thanks for everything I really am grateful for having you in my life.

Yours truly,

Your Best Friend

"Friendship is not about who've been there the longest, it is about who have walked into your life and said "I'm here for you

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