Chapter 9

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wassup wassup y'all,
i know some of you have been angry with lisa's character for staying with jina when she's obviously in love with jennie still,
so here's a nice lil chapter with some drama and a little insight to lisa's reasoning
enjoyyyy and don't forget to vote and comment (((: (loving the feedback in the comments)

Beds, for adults at least, mostly have two sides, for two people. Or just one person loving the extra space.

Usually, it is for lovers, sharing their bed together, their comfortable place after exhausting days at work or when it's raining and cold outside and they just want to cuddle each other under the warm blankets.

Sometimes for friends, or best friends, in younger years, during a sleepover, sharing a bed while whispering on about their secrets deep into the night, until one of their mothers barges in and makes them sleep finally.

But they were not for this. Never.

It wasn't normal, or usual, or ordinary. Nobody did this.

Two sides of a bed, occupied by ex-lovers.

But they were Lisa and Jennie, of course they weren't ordinary, doing ordinary things in their ordinary life.

Otherwise this would be boring.

No, Jennie and Lisa weren't normal, but they made their situation work, for whatever unspoken reasons. They'd already slept beside each other once, and now twice.

They made it work, and it turned out just fine. It wasn't a problem for them. They were both adults now, they were able to handle laying next to each other for a few hours.

Until it wasn't fine anymore, when an angry, tiny brunette stomped her way towards the room, her bold steps echoing through the apartment while a panicking Chaeyoung yelled, "no, wait!"

And then it happened.

She opened the door, ready to raise all hell to announce her entrance and make her girlfriend feel guilty about her mistake, before her eyes found a second tinier body laying under a blanket in her girlfriend's bed—and she was ready to raise things greater than hell.

Kwon Jina was ready for homicide, double homicide.

An obnoxious, ear-piercing shriek sounded through all of the apartment, startling the sleeping bodies in the bed at once and making the taller one of the two drop to the floor in surprise.

"What the fuck?!" Lisa exclaimed, rubbing her aching head, before her blurry vision cleared and she found her girlfriend standing in the doorframe, looking like she was ready to go to prison for first degree murder without thinking twice about it.

Jennie, on her hand, groggily lifted her upped body up from the bed, rubbing her eyes, and too, found Jina standing in the door.

Both of their faces paled, before Lisa jumped up and made her way to her girlfriend while Jina had already turned around, though not with the attention to leave.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Lisa?!" She yelled, her voice five octaves higher than necessary for Lisa's sensitive ears.

"Jina, stop, as stupid and cliché as it sounds, it was not what it looked like, at all," Lisa tried reasoning with her, but Jina was having none of it.

"What do you mean?! Do you think I'm fucking stupid?! Do I look stupid to you, Lisa?!"

"No, that- ugh! Just hear me out and stop fucking yelling!"

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