An Unrequitted Meeting.

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Just after midnight. That was the time that the moon would be full and the stars would shine their brightest. That was when Luna would sneak out of her little cell to stargaze and revel in the moon's beauty. As she made her way out, she made sure to duck out of any guards sights. If she got caught, she couldn't stargaze, now could she? She couldn't risk getting caught. She eventually found the perfect hilltop to observe from and climbed her way up it.

As she reached the top, she scanned the sky, eventually having her gaze stolen by a group of red strings. Raising an eyebrow in confusion and curiousity, she made her way to the string's location.

When she reached the location, she froze in awe of the creature before her. Person? Creature? Guardian? God? Who knew. She just knew that he looked quite peculiar. Eventually, she worked up the courage to take a few steps forward before stepping on a loose stick, snapping it and creating a semi-loud noise. The being's horns (Ears?) perked up at the sudden noise. Luna froze. "Is someone there?" They called out. Luna kept herself quiet, not wanting to find out what would happen, were she to upset the Being. "Perhaps I was just hearing things. I would not be at all surprised." They sighed. Luna's heart sank and she took a silent deep breath. "It was me, sir." Luna said shyly. "Hm?" They hummed. "I-I was the one who you heard." Luna said meekly. They turned around and looked Luna in the eyes. "Ah, the one and only guardian of the moon herself! What brings you to this desolate place?" They asked. "I was stargazing and I saw those..." Luna said, pointing to the red strings in the sky. "Hmm? Oh! Those? Yes, I wasn't sure if anyone else could see them. Did they disturb you at all?" They asked. Luna shook her head. "Not at all! I was just curious what their purpose was is all!" Luna chuckled. "Hmm, interesting." They hummed. "What is?" Luna asked, confused. "Most would run away at my awkward appearance. Or be shaking in terror at least. Why are you not afraid, child?" They asked. "Oh, nothing much scares me! Nothing but......Things." Luna shuddered. The Being shook his head. "My apologies. I shouldn't have asked." They apologized. "What for? You have nothing to be sorry for! I was the one who wanted to talk about it." Luna said. "Hmm......" They hummed, thinking deeply. "What is it?" Luna asked. "This is a good stargazing spot, but I know of a more optimal one." They said. They held their hand out for Luna to grab. "Would you care to join me? It's no fun stargazing without a friend to gaze with you." They asked. Luna slowly started smiling. She gently took his hand into hers and nodded. He gently grabbed her hand. "Hold on tight, it's a wild ride." They smiled. Luna nodded. They held her hand as they slowly started floating off.

They touched down onto a soft patch of grass, clear of trees and other obstructions and they gently set Luna down. Luna found a good spot and sat down. They sat down next to her and gazed in wonder at the beautiful sight. "It's so beautiful..." Luna gasped. "Yes.....It is, isn't it?" They smiled. "I wish this wasn't such a rare occurance..." Luna sighed. "Yes, but you need not wait for a full moon to come up here. It's always clear enough to see the stars and moon up here." They explained. "Really?" Luna asked, stars in her eyes. "Truly. Although, if it is not a full moon or blue moon, I cannot join you. It is my curse." They said, glancing down at their wrists. "Why?" Luna asked. "Hmm...." They thought. They pointed at a small line of sorts. "See that line? That's what's called 'The Horizon'. If it is not a full moon or blue moon, I cannot come down from there." They said sadly. "Why can't you come down from there?" Luna asked. "So many questions." They teased. "Oops! Sorry!" Luna apologized. They laughed. "I was joking! I'm actually quite relieved that you're asking questions and not running away in terror!" They laughed. "Anyways, The Horizon acts as a sort of cell for me. I don't know why it traps me, but it does, and it's quite torturous, as I cannot gaze upon the stars from here while in there." They lamented. Luna frowned. "I'm.....So sorry...!" Luna said sympathetically. "I.....Know what it's like, to be trapped." Luna said. "Oh?" They asked. "I'm gonna have to marry someone I don't love to unite the guardians and I have no say in the matter..." Luna lamented. They rubbed Luna's back. "I'm sorry about that. Have you told them you do not wish to marry the other?" They asked. "Yeah. But they disregard that, saying that 'the union of the guardians is more important than what you want.'" Luna sighed. They nodded. "Sound troublesome." They said sympathetically. "It's fine. I can just run away if need be." Luna said. "Run away? From your family and friends?" They asked. "Yeah." Luna nodded. "Hmm...Maybe there is a better way of dealing with it." They suggested. "How?" Luna asked. "What are your feelings towards the other?" They asked. "Ugh.....He's a total snob. Not to mention he treats other people like DIRT." Luna gagged. "Hmmm.....Let me think of a plan, alright? I can see what I can do." They said. "The Horizon, remember? Ya can't leave it." Luna huffed. "Ha ha ha!! Oh, dearheart, don't you remember?" They laughed. "Remember what?" Luna asked. The red strings from earlier reappeared. "I have these!" They laughed. "And what can those do?" Luna asked. "They can control others to do whatever I choose!" They grinned. "Let me think it over. Will you be here tomorrow?" Luna asked. They shook their head sadly. "Tomorrow is a half moon, I'm afraid." They lamented. "Ah....How will I contact you?" Luna asked. "I have my ways." They winked. 


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After they finished stargazing, They helped Luna get back home safe and sound. "When can I see you again?" Luna asked. "I cannot tell you that, as that would be telling, and Snatcher does not like it when I reveal what's in place for the future." They explained. Luna frowned. "Oh....Okay." Luna sighed. "Goodnight mister....?" Luna asked. "Oh, how rude of me. Call me Moon Jumper. Or MJ for short." Moon Jumper said. "Nice name." Luna said. Moon Jumper floated away. "Moon Jumper....Nice ring to it." Luna smiled softly.

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