Get Some Sleep, Darlin. (Hunter And DJ Grooves PLATONIC Oneshot)

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"-arlin?" A voice called. Hunter  stayed out cold. "-Arlin?" They called again. Hunter shifted slightly. She was suddenly being shaken and she jolted awake, finding herself outside her studio and in the reception. "Darlin, are you okay?! Ya were out cold!" Grooves said, panicking. Hunter rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "'m fine..." Hunter mumbled. "for about SIX. HOURS." Grooves said. "So I had a small nap." Hunter shrugged. Grooves sighed. "Darlin, you've been blacking out while working for MONTHS now. I'm worried about ya." Grooves sighed heavily. "Life's just....Gotten busy." Hunter said. "Really now?" Grooves asked. "Y-Yeah...!! Besides, I've been sleeping, I swea-" Hunter started. "THAT IS ABSOLUTE BIRD POOP AND YOU KNOW IT!!!" Grooves snapped. Hunter jumped, having never heard this kind of tone from him before. "Darlin, I normally NEVER raise my voice at ANYONE, but this is getting RIDICULOUS!!!" He snapped. Hunter winced at the sudden loud voice. "Okay, okay, okay! Maybe it's nothing! When-uh, when didja last get a full night's rest, darlin?" Grooves asked, taking a deep breath. Hunter hesitated. "Darlin?" He asked. "About.....January..." Hunter winced. "JANU-DARLIN, WE'VE TALKED ABOUT THIS!!!!" He yelled. Hunter yelped, turtling into her hoodie. "Darlin, we've talked about you putting off sleep...! It's NOT healthy...!!" Grooves sighed. "I know...." Hunter mumbled. "Okay, at least you've been remembering to eat, right darlin?" Grooves sighed. Hunter's gaze fell to the floor. "DARLIN!!!!" Grooves gasped. "Look-work's just REALLY BUSY right now, okay?!" Hunter snapped. "That is NO excuse, darlin!!! Ya NEED to take care of yourself!" Grooves snapped. "Okay..." Hunter sighed. "No, 'okay' won't do it this time, because it's NOT okay. I want you to say 'I understand and I promise to take care of myself, get a nice dinner and get some rest before work' instead of 'okay'!!!" Grooves snapped. "If not?" Hunter asked. "I'LL MAKE YOU." Grooves growled. Hunter meekly nodded. "I promise....!" Hunter said meekly. Grooves smiled. "Great, darlin! Hope ya feel better soon!" Grooves smiled. As Grooves left, Hunter looked at the various Moon Penguins and Express Owls that were hanging out in the reception, quietly begging for an explaination. The owls shrugged and all but one Moon Penguin shrugged as well. "He gets.....Passionate about keeping his friends happy and healthy." Marco said. Hunter made an 'o' shape with her mouth. "We're.....Working on it." Marco said scratching the back of his neck nervously. Hunter nodded. Hunter went to grab her backpack before something was yelled at her. "HEADS UP!" Was yelled as her backpack was thrown at her. It hit her in the face, but she recovered quickly and ran home. (Timeskip)

Hunter arrived home and put a microwave dinner in the microwave(DUH) and set it for 3 minutes while she put everything away. She started spacing out, worrying about what'd happen if her next movie flopped like her others before she was snapped out of her thoughts by the microwave beeping, showing that it was done. She rushed in to pick up the dinner, almost hesitating. She thought for a moment, before deciding to go with dinner for the night, and deciding that tomorrow would be a 'skip dinner' night. As she ate, she thought about how her next animated movie would do and she frowned. She'd probably lose to Grooves and The Conductor again. Same as the past-what, twenty years now? She shook her head. Worry about that later. She discarded the finished meal box into the trash and went to get ready for bed, again, hestantly. She eventually decided to go to bed. Angry Grooves is a scary Grooves. (Timeskip)

The next morning when she walked to work, she was greeted to Grooves and The Conductor arguing again. "Not again..." Hunter groaned. Hunter bolted in between the two, creating a barrier between them. The two stopped. "Lass! You're here! And not one hour late!" Conductor gasped. "Yeah, I slept last night." Hunter said. "And ate somethin?" Grooves asked. "Yep!" Hunter said. "Good!" Grooves smiled. "Well, I have a movie to animate!" Hunter said cheerily. "And I have a movie to direct!" Conductor grinned. "Same here! Ciao, darlins!" Grooves said escaping to his studio section. The Conductor and Hunter split paths, heading off to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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