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Tex was really not into the whole holding hands to maintain a cyclical connection thing Harry was so adamant about. Usually Louis was the difficult one but tonight he got to sit back, relax, and watch Tex resist to the point where Harry's eye twitched in irritation.

"Fifteen minutes, that's all I'm asking," Harry cried, exasperated, from across the rickety kitchen table.

Tex rolled his eyes but set his hands down, one in Louis' grasp and one in Harry's. The circle was finally complete and Harry sighed in relief. Louis laughed at him, not muffled enough to deflect the sharp glare sent his way. Jessie was laughing too but she wasn't awarded the same harsh treatment.

The wooden table in kitchen, which apparently doubled as a dining room and a seance spot, was covered in an antique, handwoven cloth of earthy fibers that made up a dark color at first glance, but appeared colorful on closer inspection. Louis leaned closer and observed the mix of rainbow threads, because he was already a bit bored. It took forever for Harry to set up all of his crystals and gems, in the center of the able and lining the circumference.

Not to mention how long it took to light the dozens of candles littering the table. It looked like they were about to sacrifice someone. Louis voted Harry.

They were ordered to close their eyes, and Louis stuck his tongue out at Harry before doing what he was told.

Harry said some lines of Latin which sounded like a spell. Louis recognized the meanings of some of the words but mostly just let his mind relax, listening to the steady beat of Harry's chanting. He sunk lower in his seat, feeling the way Jessie and Tex were gripping his hands hard, afraid to break the connection and mess everything up.

A heavy moment passed and then Louis could feel Harry's aura flowing out of his body and filling the space around them. It was a sensation imperceptible to anyone who didn't have psychic powers. But Louis felt it strong and clear, the familiar warmth of Harry brushing against Louis , not their physical bodies but something more, their bare souls, their essence .

It was only another moment before Harry peeled back the veil to the other realm and beckoned Louis to follow.

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