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Each ghost had its own way of communicating with the world, like it's own radio frequency, personalized to the specific way they decided to haunt.

Louis was particularly fond of the playful ghosts, the ones who played silly tricks and loved to have a laugh, even in the afterlife. He preferred happy ghosts, ones that were stuck in the transient inbetween because they were waiting for a companion to join them, so neither would be left alone.

Charlotte wasn't a playful ghost. Neither was she an evil ghost, which was a breath of relief in the tinted hue of the other realm, a sigh that escaped Louis and wrapped around him in comfort.

No, Charlotte Thomas of Ashland Ranch was a quiet ghost. One who only slightly altered the reality of each room she entered, just teetering on the point of human perception. Making you question it. Making you wonder if you were going insane. Did you really kick the sheets off the bed last night? Did you really leave the closet door open?

She was a quiet ghost who had something to say. Every spirit had a purpose and that was the reason they were trapped in a state of unrest, a liminal space that felt endless. Every spirit had a purpose and Louis was here to give voice to that purpose and help them find a way out. It was the least he could do, after all they had been through.

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