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"I love seeing you like this."

Embarrassed, Louis covered his face in his hands and flopped backward on the bed. There were in Charlotte's room at it was nearly one o'clock in the morning; they had been in here for an hour and still there was no sign of Charlotte at all. Maybe she didn't like Harry.

"No seriously, your face is so red."

"Shut up." Louis understood Charlotte, he didn't like Harry either. "Not like you're any better."

Actually, that was a lie. While Louis was still a blushing mess from Harry eating him out for over an hour, coaxing multiple orgasms out of him, all of which were unfairly intense, Harry was still his usual self. Aside from the fact that his lips were more swollen than usual and his hair was a bit messy from Louis grasping it. Afterward, Louis had been so exhausted he just snuggled closer to the sheets and didn't protest as Harry jacked off and came all over his ass and thighs.

"Since nothing's really happening, maybe one of us can go to sleep and the other can wake us up if something happens?" Harry suggested, sitting beside him on the old bed. It was queen-sized and large, with a fancy comforter and many decorative pillows. The room, for the most part, was covered in dust though, and it made them both sneeze.

"'Kay, sounds good," Louis agreed, curling up on his side and closing his eyes.

"Wait, hold on, what if I wanna be the one resting first?"

"Tough luck."

"No, that's not fair!"

"Life isn't fair. You're such a whiny baby."

Harry pinched his arm. Louis retaliated by elbowing him in the stomach. He had pointy elbows. They ended up fighting for at least five minutes, rolling around on the bed, each trying to get the upper hand.

In the end Harry's superior strength from working out all the time like the health nut he was prevailed and he was on top of Louis, who was lying face down on the bed in defeat. He had already punched Harry in the dick but even that hadn't deterred him enough to grant Louis the victory.

"How about this," Harry said through gritted teeth, obviously frustrated as Louis squirmed for a bit and then finally went limp. His arms were twisted behind his back and it kind of hurt. "How about we both stay up so it isn't so bad?"

"You're hurting my shoulders."

Harry eased up, letting go of his arms. "Louis."

"Alright fine, whatever." He rolled onto his back and stared up at Harry. "So what now?"

They ended up spending the next hour playing a stupid trivia game they made up on the spot, where one of them would quiz the other on facts they knew. They argued a lot, which was usually settled by a quick google search but since they had no access to the internet the arguments were never-ending.

They also spent a lot of time talking about various topics that floated to their minds from bursts of inspiration, like how Harry thought he wanted to work for the FBI before he realized they would never take a clairvoyant seriously, and how Louis said he always wanted to live by the sea someday. Their conversation ranged from classes they fell asleep in during high school to the reasons why they even utilized their clairvoyant skills in the first place, rather than ignoring them.

This led to them kissing until three o'clock in the morning, when Harry finally pulled away and said if they kept going they were going to end up fucking again. Louis challenged him by saying he wouldn't have minded, but then Harry kissed him again, sweet and slow to smooth the frustration out of his tone, and the world melted away.

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