Chapter one

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Once upon a time two teenagers were walking home together it was a gloomy day today but the they didn't care. Once they got home they unlocked their front door and went in, Trixie was the the oldest then Luke was born after her. They got some dinner and saw a note on the bench it said " I will be home late" signed  mum. As they sat down they heard a noise coming from the bedrooms Trixie walked in front, then slowly opening the door then a shadow a dark figure then the garage door opened. When mum came in we told her that there was a dark figure, she looked down then looked up and said " It is time " she said under her breath. She led us to the couch then showed us a orb a peculiar looking orb it looked like it had black specks in it. Mum told us it  was very important " It was my grandmas it was from 19 century" she said looking at us, then she said that " You have to go on a quest" she sacred. "A quest what quest" said Luke confused, and then it was bed time I walked into my bedroom looking around then saw it again it looked at me, Trixie confused as well as she suddnelly mum came in the creature diserpeared. The next morning Trixie was the first, she sat down at the table eating her breakfast she thought to her self (What was  mum talking about last night) then Luke just walked in and sat down next to me as we ate we just sat there so quiet. After my mum woke up, I was getting dressed for school she came in and said " Are you ok " she said I nodded, as we were walking out the door I saw the dark figure wave goodbye and diserpeared. As I sat in class daydreaming and thinking what I saw this morning I thought ( What on earth is happening, at lunch I sat with my friends and told them about today and what happened, after school I went into my bedroom and noticed that there  was a note on my desk it said " Come to the bathroom " I looked at it confused. I got up and walked to the the bathroom and looked in the mirror and saw a world a dark world then I saw that creature that was in my bedroom it was calling me I thought it was all a dream I ran out the bathroom into my bedroom closing it after I got in. Few minutes later my mum came home and I showed her the note  and she looked at it stunned, then I just realised that  Luke isn't home yet it is already really late. When we sat down for dinner my brother finally came home as we sat down we talked about what has been happening.

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