Boys in the Locker Room

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Based from the original novel, TharnType by MAME

(This retelling is done for the sheer fun of writing and for sharing with the international fans, this wonderful story that will make you fall in love all over again. I am writing this for absolutely no monetary or commercial intent and will gladly take it down at the request of the author or the publisher, or whenever an official English translation will be made available.)



The smell of chlorine was very distinct.

One would think it was from the pool that was only a few steps from the locker rooms, but some dirty mind would unconsciously think of something else; especially now that the shower stalls were hazy with the steam coming from dozens of shower heads all pouring hot water that washed away whatever miniscule dirt or grime that the naked bodies of teenaged boys, most standing beneath the cascades, some waiting their turns. The warm water drenched the already wet bodies from their heads, rushing through sinew and muscles and hair, going into places that only a few dared reach.

The sound of the rushing water from above joined the laughter and the incessant clamor of the boys. Not a few were checking out the bodies of others, some to unconsciously compare their own; some for other purposes. But as boys will be boys, the teasing and the jokes were constant. Not minding that they were without a stitch on, not really caring that they were as naked as the day they were born.

"The hell! Guys, check out Champ's body, its as sculpted as the monuments one sees in the Greek carvings. Including the little nong hiding right at the center." One loud boisterous voice rang out and everyone laughed, all of them looked towards the almost perfect physique of a tall, handsome young man right near the entrance of the showers that was separated from the locker room.

Having seen Champ's body since highschool, Techno need not look towards his friend although he did chance a glance. Champ may not be as tall as he was or Type but he was definitely thicker.

"You go ahead and stand next to him, and everything about you becomes small," another voice rang out, taunting the first one who teased. More laughter echoed in the showers, the young men's voices reverberated from the tiles that lined the walls of the sizable men's room.

"Yeah, you call Champ's nong little and yours suddenly become minute!"

The laughter was almost deafening although everyone inside was good natured about the jaunts and jokes, it was common to boys which they still were anyway. Though most are adults, none have reached the age of 20.

"Hey, just look at the size of those muscles," another boy joined in, Techno and Type looking at the smirking face of Champ who was accustomed to the admiration of everyone as soon as his body was seen.

"I guess we should go to the gym regularly to get that body."

"Fuck, even if I live in the gym, I wont get that body in a million years. Ai Champ has been doing Muay Thai for a long time that's why he is that buff."

"Speaking of the gym. I don't go to the gym, I'll be too afraid." Champ suddenly said as he stepped out of the cascade of water, reached for a towel and gently rubbed it on his head to haphazardly dry his hair before using the soft towel to wipe at the beads of water that was running down his chest towards his abs and lower to his pubic region. "I'm terrified of getting fucked, like in the showers at the gym and suddenly the soap slips from my hand. I wouldn't want to reach down and bend to get it from the floor. I'm afraid someone would fuck me from behind."

The room exploded in laughter.

"Not because I dislike gays, but I'm afraid I might like it and keep coming back." Champ added, throwing the wet towel on a hook at was conveniently arranged on one of the walls. His immaculate body, dry, fresh and pinkish from the hot bath as he reached took a t-shirt that was on another hook and wore it even before he wore his underwear.

"I REMEMBER!" Techno suddenly cried out, pairs of eyes looked at him at his sudden outburst. The tall skinny young man, suds still stuck in his hair, his hands gripped a bar of soap searched the surprised faces around him until his eyes met Type's who was under a showerhead not a few feet from him. The bubbles of soap running in rivulets from the handsome young man's shoulders all the way down until it sent with a gurgling sound into the drain beneath his feet.

"What?" Type asked when he felt Techno's piercing eyes on him.

"I remember what I was about to tell you earlier."

"What is it?"

"I don't think you'll like it," Techno said, his fist tightening on the bar of soap in his hand. He knew how much Type hated gay people; though he really never understood why.

"What the fuck is going on?" Type said, a curious look on his face. He was knew there were times when Techno said the weirdest things but he was especially being a weirdo right at that moment.

"Have I asked you to change your room yet?"

"Why on earth would I do that?" Type snapped at the suddenly awkward Techno, the handsome young man stepped out of the steamy showers and into the drier lockerroom area where the few who have finished their showers were in various state of undress.

"Ummm, it's about Tharn." Techno said, looking at the faces of the others who were not really minding them but still he lowered his voice that he was soon whispering to Type. That made it doubly suspicious as he was still dripping water from the shower, soap suds in his hair both top and bottom, a bar of soap still in his hands. "I hear he is quite a player and that he has exes all over the campus including the highschool department."

"Dude, have you seen the face of the guy? Of course he has a lot of exes, he is hot as fuck and he also plays the guitar and girls are just crazy about drummers."

"Ummmm, he fucked around in high school?"

"Of course he fucked around in high school, didn't you?"

"Well, no! But that's not it, this is very important to you."

Type, looked at his hyperactive friend closely. He was getting really annoyed at the display of weirdness that the other young man was currently displaying. "What is it? I don't really care if he fucks a lot of chicks, hell, maybe it will rub off on me and I'll get a lot of their friends or sisters."

"..." Techno mumbled, wringing the soap between his palms.

"What? I can't hear you. Speak louder for goodness sake.

"Tharn... doesn't ... fuck ... around ... with ... girls !"

The world froze. Type's heart beat was suddenly as fast as a horse on Viagra.

"What did you just say?"

"Tharn, your roommate, does not do girls." Techno repeated, his voice barely above a whisper. "He likes boys. Tharn is gay."

"WHAT THE FUCK! I AM NOT GOING TO SLEEP IN A ROOM WITH THAT COCK LOVING SON OF A DICK AGAIN!" Type screamed, zipped up the pants that he was pulling up and without a backward glance, stormed out the locker room.

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