Chapter 4 Dewdrop - Cried Out

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The small little girl sits with her face drowned out by her bag which she's having a quick look into to make sure that all her stuff's safely inside.

"Hooman book...." She mumbles seeing the book she has which is decorated in pastel and blue colours in attempt to make it seem like a normal book however instead it is a banned Earth book she found.

"Bwue fabwic...." The little girl continues looking at the wonderful fabric which she used to make her outfit suiting her bright blue flowing hair, which had a very cute fringe at the front covering her eyes slightly as she giggles at the little pieces of hair in her face before blowing them away, and continues to look at the contents in her blue sparkly side bag.

"Small amount of money...." She finishes her list looking at the small amount of change at the bottom of her bag as she smiles sadly. "Pwobably need to get mowe...." She says softly with her small lisp preventing her to say the words correctly.

After a while of re-checking her belongings she stands up leaning against the large building slightly as she looks around the amazing city admiring it.

The cool vapour breeze floating past her as it brushes against her freckled cheeks and soft blue satin dress as she giggles looking at the streets and streets of houses and buildings which are all floating or are on the water making her smile at the place she lives, the one place both air children and water children live in peace.... Her home.

She sighs contently before beginning to run through the alleyways closing her satchel and hanging it around her opposite shoulder to the side which it's on as she begins to softly hum. She continues this until beginning to awe and smile at the bubbles, which come in and out of the city, helping air people come in and out of the floating world, in which she lives.

This causes the little children to giggle as she watches them land and pop to where the people where wanting to go. She continued to get amused by the simple pops until she hears a name.


Her name.

Dewdrop stops and turns around not seeing anyone slightly confused. "Hewo?.." She asks softly as she has a little look around.

"Dew..." The voice says again yet this time sounding more like the wind as it blows past her ears sending shivers down the small girl's back.

That's when she realised....

She's in the wind side of the city.

Now, yes, her city in which she lived in was a combined one with children from both air and water clans however there were specific places where they weren't allowed to go as wind can blow the water children away easily and the water can drown out the air. That's why she was worried. Dewdrop could literally be swept off her feet if she's not careful where she goes.

The little one makes sure to look around where she is for a way out. It looks like a small alleyway connecting the two purposefully split sides of the city to each other with half of it seeing to float over the water in a playful and flowy way whilst the other side is closer to the drifting liquid and seems to be a bit denser.

The small water children sighs in relief realising she didn't go in that far as she quickly goes back to the water clan half of the city as she runs a bit to make sure she can't see the alley anymore as not to get caught near it. As soon as she reaches the other side and can't see the alley anymore she leans against one of the water buildings giggling softly at what just happened thinking of how the wind tickled her ear remembering how her family would call her name like that... It was nice. When they were here... When she wasn't alone.

This just leaves one question.

Who was calling her name? 

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