"There dating!? What the fuck!?" My best friend Katie said flabbergasted at my news. "How the hell could she do that to you? Your own sister". I groaned snatching a pillow and covering my face. After sitting with my sister and Christian who told me that they'd been dating ever since last December when my sister helped style some of the models for one of Christian's video shoots.How as a thank you, he invited her out to dinner and they ended up talking the night away. When they got back to my place he doesn't know if it was the liquor or how after years of feeling like a shy little boy around her he decided to kiss her. When she kissed him back he knew she was going to be his. Forever.
Cue eye roll
"You know it's not worth the heart ace right"? I slid the pillow from my face and listened to what she had to say." I mean come on. After thirteen years he couldn't tell you had a crush on him. He's either really innocent or really dumb". I grabbed the pillow and threw it at her, "Yah. don't be mad at me because he's fucking Yuna". I grabbed another pillow and screamed into it. I loved my sister she had always been the pretty one. Perfect smile. Perfect grades. Perfect everything. All the boys loved her. Ever since we were little she always had a boyfriend or at least a guy wanting to be her boyfriend. They would leave notes in her locker. Give her presents. Drive her where ever she wanted. That was the life of Im Yuna.
"Do you really think they love each other or maybe he's one of her toys?" My heart ached at just the thought of my sister and Christian together. She knew how I felt about him. She teased me countless times about my crush. Always telling me to confess or she would do it for me. How if I didn't confess another girl would snatch him up. I guess she wasn't lying. Christian always had girls chasing after him, but he barely gave them the time of day. There were a few girls here and there, but his work always kept him so busy they would disappear in weeks. Katie looked over at me sorrowfully and sat next to me on her bed.
"Who knows, both of them do have a pretty strange track record when it comes to dating".
"What if they're each other. The one"?
"The one". she stared at me as if I had three heads. "What the hell is the one".
"You know the one. The one that makes your heart flutter. The one you think about all the hours of the day. The one that no matter how bad your day was just hearing their voice will make it all better." I looked at Katie with a loving smile. While she looked back at me disgusted. "You've been watching too many dramas". I rolled my eyes and turned over on my side crossing my arms."You never get me." She snickered and rose from the bed.
"Here" A dress was thrown on me.
"What's this"?
"A dress. Try it on". I stared at her suspiciously. She was up to something. I stared her down and through the corner of my eye I could see makeup and outfits laid out."Oh no. I am not going to another blind date. Katie was set on getting a boyfriend while in college. It was all she talked about. She dragged me on so many blind dates, I'm surprised she wasn't married with kids already.
"It's not a blind date it's a party a friend of mine is throwing now go take a shower and get dressed. " She threw a towel and washcloth at me. "Hurry".
"No buts, it will make you feel better. Trust me. Now go. Pali". I huffed and went to shower while Katie used her sister's bathroom. When I came out Katie was already moisturizing. After priming and prepping we were finally ready.
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