XXXXXVII - "Promise"

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I woke up early as usual to get Diamonds a flower and some coffee. After our small date at Einsteins Bagels, I found out that she loves caramel macchiatos, so I've been buying her those ever since. I just love how happy she gets whenever I get her small gifts like this, her reactions always start my day off with a smile. She always smiles so big whenever I give them to her and it's so cute, she's like a ray of sunshine if you push her clouds away, and she ends up being the reason why you get up every morning.

I searched the school hallways for her as usual and waited until she had shown up. Once I saw her at her locker I beamed and started walking towards her, coffee and flower in hand.

When I started getting closer to her, she seemed a bit nervous. Like something was on her mind and she couldn't get it off her mind, and it always worried me to see her like this. Whenever she wasn't happy, then something really must've been bothering her, and that can never be good.

"Good morning love," I greeted as I approached her.

She turned to me and her face automatically lit up at the gifts I held out for her. She did a small little wiggle with her hips and bit her lip as she looked at them greedily. She even did a small clap with her hands before she took them out of my grasp and sipped on the coffee as if it was heaven.

See what I mean? Even though she seemed like she was in a a bad mood, she still seemed to find the joy in the small things like this. It warmed my heart to see her like this and she's my only motivation to keep moving forward. If I get to see this smile on her face, then everything I do for her is worth it. Hell, even my gang has been doing well and I had Diamonds to thank for that, she got me back to myself.

"A little jumpy this morning, are you?" I teased with a smirk.

She smiled at my comment but looked down as she frowned. She looked deep in thought for awhile until she looked back up to meet my gaze. I guess she saw my worried expression because then she tried to cover it up with a kiss, but I knew what she was doing. She smiled again and locked arms with me as we both walked to class together. I didn't want to worry about her, I wish there was nothing to worry about, but something's up, I know it.


"Alright class today we're going to-"

Mrs. Howard's was cut off by the familiar sounds of gunshots that rang through the hallways. It was sixth period and so I didn't have class with Blake, Liam, or Diamonds, which kind of worried me. Even though Blake is with Diamonds right now, I still worried for her.

All the students started running around the classroom and finally settled in the far corner after the teacher had turned the lights off. Some kids were crying and panicking about the situation and I sat still at my desk as I heard the voice bellow from the hallway.

"Sapphire! Where are you honey? I just wanna talk," An unfamiliar voice yelled from the hallway.

I stood up without hesitation and pulled the gun out from the back of my jeans and I started creeping towards the door, students cries filling the air. I looked out the classroom's door window and saw a couple of men walking farther down the hallway, towards the cafeteria.

"Sapphire? Come out come out wherever you are!" He mocked.

I waited until they were out of sight that I unlocked the classrooms door and started walking down the hallways, towards the sounds of gunshots. I jumped a little at the echos of them, but continued down anyway.

Before I could turn down the hallway towards the cafeteria, I felt a sudden pinch on my neck and black spots started swarming my vision, eventually causing me to crash down to the floor.

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