Photoshop Showcase #1

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When you're bored and did a photoshop of an old meme based on one of your rolepay.

When you're bored and did a photoshop of an old meme based on one of your rolepay

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Old pic but really explains the glory of it...okay, more like a massacre...MY HOUSE!

This pretty much my first edit

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This pretty much my first edit.  It's a picture of an assassin and a crazy boy being his servant for a while...again long story-

Travis: Nah, I cut your hand.

Fuck off, Touchdown! Don't you have to prepare for a new game?! Anyway,

Fuck off, Touchdown! Don't you have to prepare for a new game?! Anyway,

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I ain't aiming it to anyone...*looks at a lot of male readers stories*

Haruto:...b r u h...

But yeah, take this word of wisdom by yours truly, me!

But yeah, take this word of wisdom by yours truly, me!

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Haruto:...again b r u h...


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Yes, I made this for the specific Extra Chapter for the DeCipher

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Yes, I made this for the specific Extra Chapter for the DeCipher. It'll make sense when I put it in writing. You might be asking, who the fuck is that guy in that hat? I don't remember that he was in the story. Well-

Haruto: It's me...Yes, that's the look of the main character of DeCipher! Series. Also, what's the next volume will be?

I don't know. But yeah, I've been focusing on DeCipher so much...It seems fun~

Haruto: Geez, you just want to torment me.

Yeah, I mean...I did kill one of the protagonists for development. shit and die...

By far, my favourite on

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By far, my favourite on. Could've done better but eh, I'm alright with it.

Haruto: Yo, where's mine?

Calm your arse, Demon boi. We haven't reach the conference yet~ Also, yes...with this, I will say that it's already derived itself from the original storyline~

Haruto: It still the same-

You just have to experience it~ You are not a self-aware character. Only Samuel are.


Haruto: Can you just continue to write the final chap-

Alright, folks, that's all for today showcase! *sleep paralyzed on the floor*

Haruto: OI! ANSWER ME, YOU WHITE-HAIRED DOUCHBAG OF A WIZARD!...He ain't responding...fuck...

DeCipher This: Julias Caesar

Aol ulea cvsbtl ohz fla av il uhtlk iljhbzl aol hbaovy pz kbti huk shgf.

Pa'z wyvihisf pucvsclk dpao Nvkz vy Yhnuhyvr vy hufaopun lszl

Fvb ruvd, thfil ol wba Aovy...dov ruvdz...

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