Chapter 8- The Problems

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{{No One's POV}}
A boom was heard outside the cave. Dripping water plinked against the floor. The red haired mother fainted, from both exhaustion and terror. MInato looked at the woman who had helped Kushina. She looked back at him with pure terror seeping from her body.
{{Minato's POV}}
I looked at the woman, she looked back at me with so much terror coming from her eyes. The whole cave was filled with pain, the feeling of being helpless, and terror. Pure terror. I could almost smell it in the air. I went over to the lady, and picked her up in one arm. I then stalked over to the collapsed Kushina. Tears were streaming down her face. Naruto started to cry in the woman's arms. I shook Kushina a little bit to wake her up.
"Stay here. Take a rest I'm going to see what is going on and bring the doctor back to the hospital". I told her.

I regret that decision for the rest of my life.
I placed the screaming Naruto into my Kushina's arms and placed her carefully on the bed. I then flashed out of the cave and flashed into the hospital. The woman on my shoulder looked very exasperated. I set her down and told her to stay inside. I looked to where I through Kushina was staying. There was smoke and explosions coming from every direction. But a large fire burned where my red Haired beauty was lying. I held my breath. And ran. I ran so quickly that my mind raced with my body. 'Please let her be okay. Please let her be okay'.
When I reached the cave I saw Naruto crying on the bed and Kushina fighting a man in a large black cloak. Black hair was crawling from the hood. I ran at him and punched the man in the stomach. He bent over grabbed his stomach and puked. My punches hurt. Usually my punched to the stomach killed the person. Especially if I was mad. Yet this man seemed fine. Other than the fact he puked on the floor. The man glanced at me. His eyes piercing me to the core. He had the Sharingan! That is impossible! The only people I knew that had the Sharingan with long spiky hair was.,,
"Madara Uchiha?" I asked the man. He looked at me and smiled. His teeth crooked and in a very creepy smile.
"So, It seems I was figured out." he said, laughing.
"Get out of Konoha, you monster." I said. Snarling each word and spitting venom.
"Oh, sorry. I can't do that until I have the Jinchuuriki." he said. Smiling his awful smile. He hoisted an unconscious Kushina onto his shoulder. Flicked his wrist in goodbye and ran out of the cave. Not wasting a second I ran after him. My Hokage cloak billowing in the wind. Naruto in my arms, I ran after the two. Knowing that I had no chance to beat him while protecting both Naruto and Kushina. I went to the third Hokage's house first.
"Please. Take care of him and bring him with my kunais in a bit." I stated. He nodded.
"Of course." he said.

I got back to where Kushina was lying. She was unconscious. And Madara was making many hand signs. Suddenly, a loud boom rang through the air. The Nine-Tailed Fox appeared in the forest. Looming over the tree's. The trees under him creaked in protest of the Giant Fox sitting on top of them. The Kyuubi roared. And stared right at Me. I didn't know what to do. I looked at his eyes more closely and noticed that the monster seemed to be under a trance. I looked at Madara. He laughed.
"It seems you figured it out. I can control the Nine-Tail Monster. And you have no Jinchuuriki. What will you do?" he laughed. His awful laugh ringing in the air.
I ran towards Kushina, not paying any mind to Madara. He yelled for me to come back but I kept running. I reached Kushina. No heartbeat. SHIT!! I ran to Madara and created a rasengan in my palm. I punched him with the Rasengan in my hand. He was pushed back and fell against a rock, the wind was knocked out him. I walked over to him and reached into my pocket. I pulled out a machete. It's blade making a soft clink against my belt. I raised my hand, with the blade. Everything then happened in a blur. My hand came down and went straight through his heart. He sputtered blood and Madara looked at me with such eyes. He laughed.
"You finally turned your heart to stone, huh". He laughed again. I scowled
"Shut up, how do you undo the trance on the Kyuubi" I asked Madara
"It breaks as soon as I die." he said. His voice getting serious.
"Fine." I pulled the knife out of his chest. Turned around and started to walk away. But then turned on my heel, looked at Madara. And threw the knife into his head. I wanted this to be over. The kyuubi roared. His sound ringing through the clouds. His chakra was so ominous that I shivered. I heard someone running up to me. I looked to the left and saw the Third Hokage running with Kushina and Naruto in his arm. I smiled. Now, time to get started.

I was about to attack the Monster when the Third yelled at me.
"Stop! Wait! The Kyuubi is pure chakra! You cannot defeat it!" I looked at him.
"What!?" I stopped running and took Kushina from him. She was clutching Naruto in her arms. I lay both of them down.
"We have to seal the Monster inside of someone." he said, huffing.
"Well! We'll seal it in Kushina! She can live again!" I yelled at the Old Hokage. 'What Is there to think about! We'll just t=do the thing he village did before!' I thought.
"No, if we seal the Kyuubi back into her, her body will reject the Kyuubi and the monster will break the seal. We can revive her but we need someone else to be a Jinchuuriki." the Third sputtered. Clearly afraid of my anger.
"We have to seal the Kyuubi into someone of Uzumaki heritage. They are the only ones that have the willpower to keep the monster in check. I wondered what he just said.
"You are telling me that the only way to keep this village safe is to seal that monster into my first born!? Naruto!?" My mind was spinning.
"Yes, that is the only way." he said.
"Fine, do it." I muttered. I handed him Naruto. Looking at the child to be Jinchuuriki, i had a different view of him now. Would he turn into a monster? Because he had a monster in him? I would most definitely not love him. That monster had given so much pain to my Kushina. Could I asked the Third to take him from me? The old Hokage carefully picked up Naruto. He made many hand signs, and some I did not recognize. Bird, boar, rat, dragon. The Monster looked at us. His eyes piercing and cold. He ran over, the ground crumbling beneath his feet. He started fading, the monster was being sealed into my son. My son that I now hated. I heard ear splitting cries coming from the baby. But, I didn't walk over, I went over to Kushina and created a jutsu on the spot. I put a sufficient amount of chakra into my palms and did a chakra infused CPR. she started breathing. I hugged her and felt tears running down my face. We would try again. And next time, he won't be a Jinchuuriki.

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