Chapter 14

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Tikki's POV:

"Now tell me. What happen last night?" Trixx asked while laying her front in the bed while her hands are holding her head.

"What last night?" I asked her with a confused look.

"Duh, I saw what you two did last night." She said and smirked.

"We didn't do anything.. I swear." I said. She saw everything?

"I don't what happened next because of someone.." She said and rolled her eyes thinking that certain person that I have no idea. "Now tell me. What happened?" She said and squealed.



"Plagg, you should go back. It's getting late." I said while looking at the stars up in the sky.

"I should be the one telling you that, my lady." He said in a teasing tone. Silence dominates among the two of us. Few minutes later, I looked at him and I saw his eyes closing down. He must be sleepy.

"You should really go back now, Plagg." I said to him. He didn't respond and he went closer to me.

"W-What are you doing?" I asked and he leaned my head on her shoulder. My body froze for a while.

"It's not everyday that I can sleep in your shoulder sugarcube." He said and his eyes closed. While he was sleeping, I looked at him. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. Wait...did he just called me sugarcube?

Few moments later, I can feel his weight in my shoulder. I tapped his head to wake him up but no avail. Instead of waking him up, I slowly moved his head towards my lap. I don't want to interrupt his sleep.

When his head was in my lap, he suddenly snored that maked me wheeze. He looks funny. Unfortunately, I don't have my phone to capture this. He moved his head facing away to me. I started caressing his head causing him to purr. I kinda admit that it's so relaxing when he did that. I played with his ears causing it to twitch on its own. So cute.

Minutes passed and my eyes are starting to close on its own. I decided to wake up Plagg from his sleep.

"Plagg, let's go back. It's getting late, I need to sleep." I said while tapping his cheek.

"Why not sleep with me in here?" He murmured still his eyes closed. I was shocked and I can feel my cheeks heating up.

"It's cold in here. We need to go back. They're looking for us." I said and lifted his head from my lap.

"What are you doing sugarcube?" He called me sugarcube again. Do I have a new endearment to him right now?

"We're going back and go to sleep." I said and he finally get up from sleep.

"How about a good night kiss?" He asked and leaned closer to me but I stopped him.

"No." I said coldly. He pouted and held my hand back to the dorm. I felt weird while he was holding my hand. It's just--I can't describe it.

*end of flashback*

"There.." I said after telling the story.

"Oooohhh!! What do you feel, Tikki?" She asked giving me a teasing look.

"Of course nothing." I said.

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