Chapter 22

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Tikki's POV:

"Are you ready, m'lady?" Plagg asked me while we were heading towards the arena.

"I guess so." I said while looking at my yo-yo and gritted my teeth from being nervous.

"There's no turning back." I said to myself while looking at the center of arena. We were at the hallway walking towards the entrance.

"What happens when we win?" I looked  and asked Plagg.

"We will be at the center of the miracle box. Those jewels will be the strongest miraculous among the others." He said.

"Oh." I simply said. "Okay. Let's slay this thing." I said with enthusiasm and hiding my nervousness.

"That's the spirit!" We went to arena with the other kwamis. I saw a lot of kwamis in the bleachers cheering for their bets. I guess they were not ready to be in the duels yet. We were at the center of the arena. I looked at the other pairs, we were like around 20 or something.

"Welcome to Kwami Academy's Annual Duels!" A voice suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"This year's duels will be different from the past duels. The battle will be somewhere else. Unlike last year, it's all against one team. If one of you will be eliminated, both of you will be out unlike last year." The audience oohed in unison.

"What happened last year? I wasn't informed that this duels was an annual event." I said to Plagg.

"Duusu and Pollen won last year but they were from different teams." He said calmly. "I was supposed to be the other one but Pollen managed to distract me. That's why she won. I was that close." He said in disappointment and bowed his head.

"I won't let them win this time." He added with determination in his voice. Wow, he was determined to win.

"Wow, I didn't know you are a competitive type." I said.

"You don't know me that much, Tikki." He went silent and all I can hear are the cheers from the crowd. This was one of the rare scenarios that he called me by my name. That was weird. I was fond of him not calling me by my name.

Hey Tikki." I heared someone called me and I saw Trixx looking at me.

"Trixx!" I said and gave her a hug.

"Good luck for the two of you." She said.

"Good luck too." I said and smiled.

"Yeah. Whatever." Plagg boredly said and leaving me behind.

"Competitive brat." Trixx said in disgust and rolled her eyes. "See yah in the actual duels." She said and left. I followed Plagg after Trixx left me.

While going towards him, I crossed path with Dilla. She was looking at me with disgust in her expression.

"You'll get eliminated immediately." She whispered enough for me to hear. I just ignored her and continue walking.

"20 pairs fighting and there will be only 1 winner. Who will it be? Will it be from one of the team from the last year's winner?" The announcer said. The crowd cheered for Duusu and Pollen's team. "Or will it be from the other contenders?" The crowd cheered once again.

"Kwamis, to the platform." All of the contenders went to the center of the arena where there are platforms forming a circle. Each kwami has a designated platform where the kwami's logo can be seen. We went to our designated platform and stand within. I looked at my platform and I saw a red with five black dots.

Our platforms glowed and the light engulfed us within. After few seconds, the light disappeared. Nothing happened.

"Nice earrings." Plagg said pointing at my ear. I don't even have ears. I looked at my antennae and I saw a jewel in the tip with the same design as my platform. I looked at Plagg and he has a black bracelet with a neon green paw print in the center.

"This was supposed to be a ring but we don't have fingers." He said and chuckled.

"Protect your jewels at all cost. There were'nt your actual miraculous but a prototype. Those jewels will either bring you to victory or defeat. Some has advantage, some were not. Once its destroyed, you and your pair will return here in the platform and that ends your battle."

"The goal is destroy the enemy's miraculous and protect yours until you two remain." The crowd cheered again after the announcer ended his speech.

"Are you ready?" Plagg looked at me. He was standing beside me. My heatt skipped a beat.


"HYAA!!" I shouted and kicked the dummy. It was a wooden dummy so it was easy to destroy. I decide to train for the last time before the duel begins. Better to be prepared for everything.

"Are you still practicing? How pathetic." Dilla looked at me from the other side of the arena. She was leaning on the wall.

"And what's the matter with that?" I said and looked at her direction with a confused look. Jeez, mind your own business.

"It's so pathetic of you that you were still practicing." She said and rolled her eyes.

"You're pathetic that you don't have a life and still minding other's business." I said and smirked at her.

She fumed in anger. Looking like she wants to kill me.

"You're too excited. Let's just wait the duels start in few hours." I said.

After what I said to her, she vanished in my sight in a few seconds.

My mind returned from the current timeline. Cheers were dominating the arena. I looked at Plagg and smiled.

"Time to kick some butt." I said with full determination and hold my yo-yo tighter.

"That's my girl."

"Let the Annual Duels begin!" The announcer screamed and the crowd cheered and growled in excitement.

One by one, the kwamis were vanished when their platform glowed. When it's my turn, my platform glowed.

And everything went black.



I'm so sorry for long hiatus. Here's an update and hope you watched the New York Special.

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