Isaiah Jesus - Telling the Brothers

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The giggle that escaped her lips caused his dark eyes to shine as he led her, her hand in his, through the small alley near the Garrison. The shadows hid them in the night as he pulled her close against him, kissing her quickly.
"Do you have any idea how absolutely beautiful you are, Florence Shelby?" Isaiah brushed a piece of blonde hair away from her high cheek bone and tucked it behind her ear.

"Only because you dutifully remind me multiple times throughout the day."

"Well, I can't have my girl going on without knowing just how highly I think of her." He had a smug smirk, feeling confident with the flattery he was giving her.

But Florence wasn't daft. She knew he loved her, he practically worshipped the ground she walked on and would do anything for her. But, there was one thing he had yet to do.

"Is that so?" The question in her tone caused him to stand up straighter, narrowing his eyes at her in suspicion.

"Ay, it is."

"So, then you won't mind going into the Garrison and finally telling my brothers about us." Confidence looked good on Flo, Isaiah knew that, but in that moment he wasn't distracted by her gorgeous looks.

Nerves stormed his stomach but he tried his best to hold his confident look, not wanting her to see how that situation made him feel. Holding his head high, he shrugged.

"Ay, of course." He nodded but didn't move which left her smirking, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him softly.

Isaiah's hands slipped around her waist, pulling her body flush against his as he tried to deepen the kiss. But with a small nip in his bottom lip, she pulled away, leaving him frustrated.

"Should I hold you hand then? Do you need us to tell them together?"

He was confused by her confidence, the fact that she didn't seem nervous at all about telling her brothers left him bewildered.

Everyone in Birmingham knew that the Shelby's were the most protect over their youngest sister, Florence Shelby, twin sister to Finnegan Shelby. She was the Princess of Small Heath and considered untouchable. But six months ago, the two of them started sneaking around and seeing each other in private. It started out as something innocent as they had grown up with one another, but quickly became something so much more.

Isaiah was sure he was going to marry her one day.

"No, I can do it on my own." He kissed her once more before dragging her back out the street and heading towards the Garrison.

Upon entering, the smell of cigarettes and booze filled their senses. They moved around the corner to the private room that belonged the Shelby's and Isaiah hesitated. Looking down at her at his side he spoke up.

"Even if they murder me, know I love you, ya?"

"Always." She smiled, standing on her toes to kiss his cheek before they opened the door and joined the others.

Insides the room sat Tom, Arthur, John, Michael, and Finn, who all looked at the couple as they entered the room.

"What's wrong with you, mate?" Michael asked, trying to hide a smirk. "She kick your arse in darts again?"

Isaiah stole another look at the woman by his side and she gave him an encouraging nod.

"There somethin' you want ta tell us?" John moved the toothpick in his mouth from one side to the other as the brothers sat up straighter. "Somethin' goin' on 'ere?"

Tommy stood from his seat, towering over the young couple and focusing his cold glare on the boy. "Isaiah, I suggest that if you have something to say, you say it now."

Isaiah then took her hand in his and lifted his chin, holding his head high. "Florence and I are together. I love her, I'm gonna take of her and do right by her." His voice came off more confident than he felt, but it was probably because he had Florence at his side.

There was a long moment of silence before all the men stood to the feet with hard glares on their faces. One moment dragged on to another before they suddenly cheered loudly and clapped, congratulating them.

Isaiah's eyes were wide and his lips were slightly parted as he looked at the rambunctious Shelby gang that surrounded him. He was snapped out of his surprise trance as John shook his hand and pulled him into a quick hug.

"She told us last night, mate." The men laughed at his response. "Welcome to the family, mate!"

Once the men congratulated them, Isaiah pulled Flo back into his arms.

"You couldn't have spared me to the fright?"

She shrugged with a smirk on her lips, "I like it when you sweat a little."

"Oh, is that so?" Placing a quick kiss on her lips, he raised a brow. "I know a few ways you can make me sweat, if that's what you want."

"Isaiah! Still my sister!" Finn's voice from the corner made them all laugh.

She tugged in his hand, gaining his attention. "I love you, Isaiah Jesus."

"And I love you, Florence Shelby." He smirked, "Next step, change that last name of yours."


Hey guys! This was the first one which I wrote like three months ago! I kind of has the same start at my next one which is a Bonnie Gold imagine. I wrote them months apart and didn't realize they started like lol oh well!

Let me know what you think!

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