Bonnie Gold - Secrets Out

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Bonnie Gold and his clan had been on the outskirts of Small Heath for a little over two months now and that was all it took for me to fall for him. In the last week alone, I had snuck out of my house 4 times to spend the night by his side or in his arms.

"Bonnie, quit that!" I laughed as he pulled his hands away from my sides, ending the tickle attack that made my cheeks rosy from the laughter.

Looking up, his eyes met mine and I could see that he was truly happy, as I was. He glanced to my lips before leaning down to kiss me, one of his hands went to the back of my neck while the other went to my waist, pulling me into him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss.

When a moan slipped past my lips I felt him smile into the kiss before slowly pulling away. He held my gaze as he tucked a piece of my brow curls behind my ear.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?" He whispered. I felt the butterflies in my stomach as I looked away but he wasn't having it. He gently took my chin between his fingers and brought my eyes back to his. "I mean it, Alice. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. I love you, Alice Shelby."

"Love has made you blind, Bonnie Gold."

"Yet I feel like I'm seeing for the first time." I smirked at his cheesy line but accepted it, knowing he made me feel the same way.

Without words, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and started the long walk back into Small Heath where he'd help me sneak back into my house. Our relationship was definitely a secret.

Even though his father, Aberama, was hired by my eldest brother, Tommy, there was still a lot of tension. The Golds were known for being ruthless and savage assassins, but that's not how I saw Bonnie. He was different with me.

"Fuck!" Bonnie cursed just as we were about to turn around the corner into Watery Lane.

"What is it?" I asked as he held me back.

"Fucking Blinders standing guard across from your house." He shook his head before giving me a small smirk and pulling me down the back ally way. We made our way to the back and he pulled me around to face him before I opened the door. "I love you, Alice."

"I love you to, Bonnie."

And with one more kiss, I snuck into the house and into bed without being caught.



Two days later I was with Finn and Isaiah walking towards the Garrison go meet up with the others and have a few drinks. The tension was still high in the air with the Italians after us but we knew that in Small Heath, we were safe.

"So, where were you the other night?" Finn asked, smirking as he looked down at me.

"You sneaking off, Alice?" Isaiah asked, loving the drama. Isaiah was a flirt, especially with me which drove Finn up a wall.

"No! I was just outside getting some fresh air, couldn't sleep."

Finn raised a brow but but said nothing. Isaiah on the other hand, he draped his arm around my shoulders and laughed as we walked into the Garrison.

"Next time you can't sleep, just give me a visit, yeah?"

"You wanker!" I shoved him away from me but he only laughed. I used to laugh at his flirtatious jokes but now that I was with Bonnie, they just bothered me.

"Ah! Alice, don't get mad at me. You know I'm only playing." I shot him a glare before going to Harry behind the bar and ordering a whiskey.

"I'll take what she's having."

I smiled when I heard Bonnie's voice next to me and felt his hand gently touch my lower back. When I looked to my left, he was watching Harry but I could see the smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered as he removed his hand from my back, I instantly missed the contact. Looking at him again, I realized he was wearing a Peaky cap.

"Just enjoying my night."

"Bonnie... is that a Peaky cap?"

He smirked, finally looking down at me.

"Tommy's got me training with Ming Main to be in the ring. He's made me a Peaky Blinder, Alice!"

My eyes went wide as did my smile. "Bonnie does this mean that you won't be leaving with you dad when with is all done."

"I'm not going anywhere unless you're there."

The news left me over joyed, so much so that I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, laughing lightly as he hugged me back.

"Something I should know?"

I pushed myself away from Bonnie's arms as Tommy's voice broke us out of our trance.

"No Tommy. I ugh..."I glanced at Bonnie before looking back at Tommy, realizing quite a few people were staring at us. "I was just congratulating Bonnie on becoming a Blinder."

"Strange." Tommy said, looking between us. "I don't remember you congratulating anyone else like that." He then looked at Bonnie. "How about you and I step outside and have a little chat."

"Tommy..." I went to argue but Bonnie stopped me with a hand on my arm.

"It's alright, Alice."

I looked into his eyes and saw them filled with love and confidence and I knew that nothing Tommy would say would stop Bonnie from being with me.

I watched them walk out the front door and frowned when Arthur and Finn followed. I quickly downed my whiskey before taking Bonnie's and finishing his.

"It will be fine." Bonnie's spot was taken by none other than his father, Aberama Gold. He had a confident look in his eye as he offered me a comforting smile. "Bonnie isn't one to back down from what he wants."

"You knew?" I was surprised, Bonnie never told me he told anyone but I knew he and his father were close.

"About three weeks ago I caught Bonnie sneaking back into the camp and he told he was going to marry you one day."

My heart pounded against my ribs at hearing what Aberama said. I knew Bonnie loved me but before he became a Blinder, our future was blurry as we knew he'd have to leave with his father.

"Mr. Gold, thank you for sharing that with me."

"It's my honor dear. And please, call me Aberama. After all, I feel we'll be family soon."

I spun around as the door opened and caught Bonnie's wide grin and he hurried through the crowed and towards me. Over his shoulder I saw my brothers who were also smiling. Whatever was said outside must have been good.

As Bonnie reached me, I was pulled back into his arms as he kissed me quickly. He went to grab his glass but it was now empty and he looked to me with a raised brow.

"I was nervous." I admitted with a small shrugged and he just laughed before ordering two more. "Why is everyone smiling? I thought you'd be dead."

"I told them how I felt about you, how I planned to take care of you and they couldn't really argue against it. Everything's fine, Alice." He pulled me into his arms and kissed my head.

Smiling up at him, I stole a kiss. "I love you, Bonnie Gold."

"And I love you, Alice Shelby."

I just love Bonnie, I think he is really underrated! Let me know what you think! I'll try to make the next one less like the last two!

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