Chapter 3: Well This is New

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~Haruhi's Pov~  The next day was a horrid mess. For some reason we all woke up terribly late, so we had to get ready quickly. I was the first one up, and that meant I had to yell at everyone to wake up. Everyone was in a panic. Things were misplaced, things were broke (Good thing it wasn't another vase), and a few of us were not in the mood. The other half were disorganized. Tamaki Senpai didn't even do his tie right Nor did the twins have there hair parted. Lucky enough, even with the chaos, we had time to make a small breakfast and get into the limo.

 Once we had gotten organized, Tamaki had started giving us a speech. "Men, and Haruhi, today is a big day. We are seeing the would through the eyes of the common folk. We are also going to representing the spirt of the Ouran Academy. Now let us all behave today." He stopped to stare at the twins and continued. "And respect the lower class.  We can possibly earn their ways." By this point, I really wanted to throw something at him. "Senpai, we are just like you but with less money. " I said. A tick mark appearing on my head.  Just like senpai, I thought. For the remainder of the ride to school, I stared out the window. This was a decently sized place with a lot of support for their school. Gold and white flyers were posted everywhere while the mascot, a mustang, was almost in every building I had seen.

I then thought about the school system here. The twins and I were going to be sophomores, Tamaki senpai and Kyoya were juniors, while Honey senpai and Mori were seniors. With the transitions, we will have to really try and get use to it. Extremely Tamaki. No doubt about it. It will be easier for Kyoya, Mori and I for obvious reasons of course.

Anyways, It was a short drive so it took fifteen minutes or so to arrive. The sight of the building was beautiful. I truly did look like place of learning. Once we entered the building, we saw an immediate difference from our former school. All the students were not in uniforms and many had piercings and  colored hair. I swear I saw someone with neon pink hair. I guess they believe in self expression. 

Upon exiting the limo, a short, stout man walked up to Tamaki senpai. " Welcome to AllyVille High," he said shaking senpai's hand. " Thank you so much for the warm welcome," Tamaki replies smiling. " I am Mr. Summers, the principal, He says. " It's a pleasure sir, I am Tamaki Suoh," Senpai says. Mr summer nods. " Lets head in students," He says walking into the building. We all follow and the building is a pretty good size, but smaller then Ouran. 

"Now here are your schedules," Mr Summers says giving everyone their paper. "For the junior boys, you will have a guide to help you through the first few days," He says before letting the rest of us go. 

~Tamaki's POV~  We followed Mr. Summer to an art room. "Roxanne," He says as he enters the room. When we enter the room, I saw a girl with black hair and a grey hoodie working on a drawing. "Roxanne," Mr. Summers says removing one of her earbud. "Huh," She says sitting up. She had plain black glasses and marbled eyes, one green and the other blue. " Boys, This is Roxanne Hillian, your guide."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey everyone, it's Wildcard. I apologize for not updating earlier. I've had writer's block. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this Chapter. With that WildCard out!

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