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Darkness was the first thing he saw the moment he closes his eyes. Feeling alone in the place where most people when into and got stuck. Some able to free themselves to wake up and be happy. Some wake up and found out they are useless, worthless and nothing is there for them. But atleast they could wake up and free themselves from the darkness, the only obstacles left for them to fight is their own will to live.

The weak will be consume by the darkness again. Some might be lucky to actually found someone who will help them. The strong will be fighting, no such thing as losing is in their path and mindset, even they fall they will get back up again and keep fighting to reach their dreams, hope, and the reason why they still keep fighting on. Life depends on you yourself. Though, that will happen if you win fighting off the dakrness that is the life most tragic barrier. The one who still in there, trapped, had no choice to fight it out or suffer till death.

Atsushi currently not sure where he is. It was dark and lonely in the darkness. He couldn't see anything at all. Couldn't see himself. He felt like he is moving in the dark and at the same time he feel like he doesn't move as everywhere he goes is the same landscape as no light shines. To even say it was a night time. The darkness didn't provide the moon, the cloud, the beautiful stars that was beautifully splattering itself all over the sky decorating it with tiny light radiating from its own brightness like our sun.

Thinking all those beautiful life details before he goes to this plain darkness. That full with voices he doesn't want to hear. All those fears build up from the past. All those terrible memories even when he found out it was fake it still haunt him to the point he couldn't get back up again. The dark will do anything to eat him up and let him wanders alone to the land of fears.


Its been almost a week since the news of Atsushi lost his ability. And also a week since the disappearance of the said person himself. None of the ADA members know where did Atsushi went. There was no evidence of his disappearance, they only found in the incident where it take place where Atsushi almost getting hit by a truck. That was all the clue they had. Even with Ranpo Deduction 'ability', all they could was lead to an abandoned factory.

He didn't tell the details what happen to Atsushi and cause everyone to felt frustrated. Who doesn't when they found out that the blood splatters all over the wall and floor was Atsushi's blood. Ranpo said this is the moment where everyone need to solve the mystery themselves. If anything happen to ranpo, they will be able to solve HIS disappearance.

The ADA did have a quarrel about it but soon they think it was actually reasonable enough for Ranpo to do such things and atleast he did guided them to the crime scene. They couldn't forever rely on his 'ability'. "Ranpo-san here some cookies that was sold from a famous baker in other side of Yokohama." Kyouka place the cookies on top of Ranpo table. She has been giving all kind of sweets to Ranpo since the ADA decided to find Atsushi themselves. She's learning how to solve all the mystery in particular. Ranpo agree if she bought all the famous and unique sweets that sold all over Yokohama or Japan, if she's willing, for the price to learn how to become a detective. Even so, he keep on explaining to her that she will not be as great as him as he's using his 'ability'.

Everyone was given the role in the search party to find out where Atsushi is and what happen to him. Kunikida was incharge to roam around the city to find any clues or luck in finding the person himself. Ranpo was incharge to teach Kyouka how to be detective as kyouka is still new in such things. Yosano and Tanizaki was incharge to find any clue in the abandoned factory and surveying any weird movement from any organisation. Kenji was assigned with the mission to ask all the locals if they saw anything the moment before and after Atsushi was injured. Dazai was left abandoned, hopeless and useless waste of bandages.

"Hmm? There such person? How could i not know about him?" Ranpo take a look at the cookies the moment he open the container. He felt like he just got slap with a thick of vanila and buttering smell. The smell of the cookie was mesmerising. He took a bite of it and flowers pop out all around him. "What is this cookie?!?!" The girl in kimono smile as she was happy to be pleases the boy with detective uniform that could be seen from any common detective movie. "Ranpo-san that was rude of you to think the baker was a male."

"Ehh it wasn't? Well thats none of my concerns, all i know is that you bring me delicious sweets every lesson we have." He ate half of the cookies while staring at Kyouka Infront of him watching her movement as she looked like she's deep in thought. Kyouka eye everted to him when she felt someone was looking at her. Her eye found its way to meet Ranpo staring at her, observing her.

The detective look at her before saying "Speak up" to which the girl in Kimono left confuse. "Eh?" She tilted her head to the side, not understanding what the boy had said to her. Felling a bit annoyed the detective groan in pain. " If you want to say something, say it dont keep it to yourself and bored me to death."

"I-im sor-" she wasnt able to finish her words when the boy slam his hand on the table not to harsh but was enough to be heard by those two. "Saying sorry aren't gonna get you anywhere. Straight to the point and tell me"

"I-i was just thinking about Atsushi well being" finally the word come out from her mouth from the thought she had that haunt her the moment they found Atsushi's blood in the abandoned factory. Which the day after they announced his ability disappearance.

Today has been marked for a whole month since they last saw Atsushi. Even when Dazai has stick his nose somewhere it didn't belong, he still couldn't find where the boy had vanish. Ranpo wouldn't tell a soul of what he knew, with the respect of his wishes no one force him to do so.

Kyouka was the one to find the home she share with Atsushi felt empty. She thought probably the greyish white hair boy taking a walk to calm his mind. Till the next day, Atsushi never return home. Feeling something wrong might had happen to him. She notify Fukuzawa about it. All of them again do a search party for him as they assume he got the potential of getting kidnapped again.

"Kyouka!" The said girl startled when she heard her name being called. She look to her left to find Yosano standing next to her. "Finally, I've been calling you for more then 10 times already. Here i thought i could cut you up and fix you back."

From a distance, the boy with orange colour hair shivered when he heard what the doctor had said. He quickly run out from the room to save himself from getting 'fixed' by the doctor.

Kyouka stood up and bow 90° to notify the doctor of her mistake and ask for forgiveness. "Im sorry Yosano-san i didn't hear you were calling me."

"Its okey, but are you alright? You seem a bit stress out. If you are tired you shouldn't work hard and take the day off"

"Im okey Yosano-san, im just a bit worried about Atsushi-san, i wander if he still alive." She fiddle her fingers and she look down to her feet.

"He still alive" was suddenly interrupt their conversation. The statement come from the boy who's eating his cookie while drawing random things on a piece of unused paper.

"How do you know he still alive Ranpo-san?" The doctor said while crossing both of her arms.

"I just know-" a hand slammed at the poor table.

"How do you just know? Did you see Atsushi walking around alive breathing infront of you?" The doctor voice getting louder by time, she was one of the people who didn't agree of Ranpo decision to not help finding Atsushi. It was childish of him to not help as he thought one day he went missing and no one could have find him. He felt a bit unfair.

Ranpo didn't say a word for a long period of time causing the doctor to be even more pissed. She walk out of the agency in angry state. Tanizaki who is hiding outside the agency quickly hide before he came back into the agency. Looking back to where Yosano had walk off too he look towards Ranpo and Kyouka. He pointed his finger to the door and soon to be replied by Ranpo shrugging. "Its probably the time of the month."

Hearing that the orange hair boy nod and continue to do his work at his table.

Soon Ranpo stood up from his chair walk over to Kunikida's table. He took the yellowish file that was put on top of few stack of books. He open up the file and go through it before he walk back to his seat, putting the file Infront of Kyouka. Breaking some joint in his body he look at Kyouka and smile "Now find the culprit"

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