Chapter seven- Fiancé?

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Y/n's POV

"What?!" all of them shouted including irene. i rolled my eyes clearly annoyed.

"I didn't proposed wendy don't flatter yourself." i said having my gun still pointed at her.

"you were about to." she said smiling

"not when i found out what you've done behind my back." i said as in a matter of fact.

"Poor you." wendy said and i rolled my eyes

i looked behind her and saw jisoo on the ground unconscious.

"You fucking bitch." i swore and took a step forward but she shoot her gun at me aiming for my arm and laughed.

"No!" irene shouted and i swore i heard jihyo curse. the bullet merely scratched me. i shook away the pain continuing our conversation.

"you thought i didn't see her?" wendy pointed to the window making all of us look.

"Jisoo!" jennie shouted as she ran outside. before she can get close to the girl someone shot her on the knee. i heard a few gasp behind me and saw wendy shot her.

this time i've lost it. i grabbed wendy's collar and punched her on the face making her fall on the ground with a bleeding lip. she looked up and chuckled.

i pushed her on the floor and repeatedly punching her face as if my fist was ought to kill her now and here.

i couldn't hear anything but a few mumbles telling me to stop. but i didn't listen and kept punching her on the face until she passed out.

i panted and sat down on the floor to realize that most of wendy's men were down and mine was standing holding a gun to the back of their neck.

they all looked at me and i saw jennie outside bleeding. rosé helped her and lisa helped jisoo.
everyone was waiting for an answer out of me.

"Bring wendy back to our prison... and kill her men." i commaneded and went outside feeling the blood on my hands drip down.

i felt someone tap me on my shoulders and i looked around to see irene and seulgi.

seulgi looked so tired and she has a bruise on her eye. i started to get angry again and seulgi shook her head.

"I'm fine i'm fine." she tried to calm me down and all i could do was look away feeling so defeated. i swore to seulgi when irene introduced me to her i wasn't going to let anyone lay a finger on her. fuck i feel so powerless.

i let out a deep breath and i felt my confident go away. like it was taken away when i first lay an eye on wendy again.

i walked towards rosé. i saw jennie struggling to get up.

"are you okay?" i asked as i held her bleeding leg examining it thoroughly.

"i'm still alive." she said trying to lighten up the mood. i just smiled weakly and grabbed the bandage in my backpack which i gave to one of my men.

"is the bullet still there?" i asked jennie and she nodded.

"Fuck." i muttered. "i'm calling my doctor. don't worry you'll live."

she said thank you. after i wrapped the bandage around her knee i asked her...

"Can you walk?" i helped her stand up and she was holding onto me for support.

"i-i can manage-" before she can speak i carried her bridal style to the car. i felt my heart skip a beat as i do so. i heared her breathing get unstable and i got worried. as soon as i placed her on the car seat i saw the bandage all red due to the blood.

"are you okay now?" i asked worried

"y-yes... go get jisoo i want to see her." she said and i sighed and nodded sprinting to the still
unconscious girl.

"what happened to her?" i asked lisa and she pointed at the handgun beside jisoo.

"someone knocked her out."

i grunted and carried jisoo too and placed her beside jennie who was fighting the pain.

i shouted to them that we're going to go back to the headquarters and they all rushed to the car driving us out of this damn neighbourhood.


I kept pacing back and forth as i wait for the doctor to get out of one of the room in the headquarters. he was performing a surgery as we speak to jennie right now. jisoo is still out cold.

"y/n didn't you get that checked out?" i heard tzuyu behind me and she pointed out my arm that was shot.

i sighed and stop walking and took a sit. i rolled up my sleeve and hissed in pain as soon as i saw the wound. the bullet was peaking from my arm and i let it rest on the arm chair.

"should i call someone or...?" tzuyu asked and i shook my head.

"The doctor is still performing the surgery in jennie now. there's no on available. i can wait." i explained and she shook her head.

"you can literally die right now if you don't get that bullet out."

i let my head down and positioned myself to get the bullet out. i raised my other hand getting ready. i felt a hand hold mine and lookef up to see tzuyu looking at me.

"You said so yourself. if i don't get it out i'll die."

she looked at me for a few more seconds and later on let go of me.

"Just don't make a mistake."

i chuckled and nodded. then i realized something.

"oh wow i'm an idiot." i said and rolled my sleeve back down.

"what?" tzuyu asked.

"Irene knows how to do this. the hell was i thinking?" i said and laughed. tzuyu just rolled her eyes and took my phone.

"hey!" i said and she texted someone. she gave me my phone back and she did text irene.

"next time use your brain y/n."

"ouch but sure." i chuckled and she left leaving me laughing here.

after a few seconds irene and seulgi walked towards me.

"does it hurt?" irene asked as she put the medical stuff down.

"nope i'm fine." i said sarcastically making the two women roll their eyes.

irene got ready and so did i. she took a peak and hissed.

"Well that's going to leave a scar." she said and i rolled my eyes.

"no shit." i mumbled and she pinched me at my scar making me yell in pain.

"control this damn woman seulgi." i said and all she did was laugh.

i felt the cold thingy touch my skin making me flinch but later on got used to it.

"ow ow be careful!" i said to irene who finally got the bullet out of me.

"Then stop moving next time you idiot." irene said and bandaged my arm.

"well next time i'll try not to get damn shot. speaking of shot where the hell is wendy?"

"downstairs probably."

"Alone?" i asked cautious.

she clicked her tongue. "ofcourse not. twice and he rest are guarding her. we've already got most of your men guarding this whole place so they volunteered."

i chuckled and rolled my sleeve back down. "told you they were useful."

she rolled her eyes and walked away with seulgi leaving me here. i chuckled and slumped on the chair feeling so drained.


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