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Well Trey didn't do to much to Tj but, he did yell at him. Lately I've been really sick. So Trey set me up a doctors appointment.

"Baby hurry up before we're late," Trey yelled from down the steps.

"Baby I'm coming damn," The kids were at his mothers so we could go by our selfs.

At the doctors office

"Mrs.Neverson," I gave Tremaine a look.

"My last name is not Mrs.Neverson, you can just call me Alyvia," she nodded her head and wrote something down.

"Um the doctor is ready to see you," we walked back and did all the normal things nurses do before going to see the doctor.

We finally got back to the room and waited for the doctor.


"Yes Treamine."

"Have you been thinking about our future," well that was unexpected.

"Um a little baby why?"

"No reason I was just asking," that was weird.

"Hello Mrs. Neverson," I just let it go this time.

"Hey doc."

"What seems to be the problem," I huffed.

"Well I've been throwing up alot," he wrote down something.

"When is the last time you had sex," I looked over to trey.

"Um abouta week or two ago,"

"Have you had your period yet," I shook my head no.

"Ok well Mrs.Neverson I'm starting to think that you are pregnant but, to be sure I'm going to need you to take this text.

I nodded and took the text from him. I slowly opened the door nob to the bathroom.

I did what I had to do then waited for the test.


I'm back 👋

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