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I have been staying over Kennedy's house for a couple of days now and now she wants me to stay until she has the baby. August as been all over her ass about sleeping and I don't blame him.


"T quit whining all the damn time I told you no and that's final," he looked at Tj.

"Daddy but I want his toy," Tj looked at me through the rear view mirror.

"Dadddyyyy," Tj looked at the toy and then back to him.

"Here," Tj handed T the toy and looked out the window.

I wish he would stand up for himself sometime but, Tj is just a really nice kid.We got back to the house and Tj ran up to Julia and hugged her.

"What's up Tj, where's Mr.Rhino," he looked up and pointed to T.

"I just let him have it," he shrugged and tried to walk away.

"Tj come here," he turned around and walked up to me.

"Do you remember what I told you about letting people push you around," he quickly nodded.

"T come here," T skipped over to us.

"Can I have my toy back please," Tj said looking down.

"No," I snatched the toy away from T and have it to Tj.

T ran into the other room crying.

"Thanks Mr.Neverson," he did a half smile and walked away. I couldn't stop thinking about the other night when T hit him with a chair.


"Why didn't you tell when T hit you,he looked up at me and got teary eyed.

"Because I was afraid that you might leave me,"I pulled him into a tight hug.

"Don't ever worry about that because I'm never going to leave you again," I felt tears go down my face.

Flashback over

I had a signing so I had to leave.

"Kim I'm out," she ran to the door and gave me a kiss.

"Ight bye baby," I closed the door and walked to my red BMW because I felt like riding in it today.


"Tj come here," all of the other kids were upstairs and Keyia was sleep .

"Yes ma'am," I patted my hand on a spot on the couch next to me.

I couldn't help but stare a his beautiful curly hair and his gray eyes. I Swear he is a perfect mix of Alyvia and Trey.

"So what have you been doing baby boy," ugh he is so fine.

"Um nothin," I placed my hand on his small thigh.

"Ok well I have something in mind that we can do," his eyes lit up.

"Like can we play tag," he asked.

"Yeah something like that," he bounced up.

"Wait a minute, you can't tell anyone about this game ok," he nodded his head.

"Ok let's go in here," he walked in before I did.

I locked the door and turned off the light this should be fun.


What is Kim doing???😱

Poor Tj is to young to realize😩

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