Keyia part 2

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"Tremaine Neverson is 0% the father of Keyia May Neverson," Trey threw down the dipper bag and stormed out of the room.

They read the test for the other man and he was 100% the father. We went the jail to see if Kim was comfortable with this man having her child. Everything went smooth besides Trey acting distant towards Keyia. I can't believe that she is not his. I mean she was never a problem child and she was very smart for her age. But, sometimes things like this happen.
"Baby," we were carrying the last box down to Keyia's fathers car.
"Trey," he ignored me again.
"Tremaine aldon Neverson," he turned around with tears in his eyes.
"Do you want me to carry that out?" he nodded.
"So here's the last box," I placed the last box in his car.
"And again I'm so sorry that this happen," it's really sad because it seemed like Keyia knew him and had been seeing him her whole life.
I walked into the house and saw Trey sitting on the couch playing 2k.
"Daddy can I play," Tj walked right i front of the screen.
"Yeah, when I get Done with this game you can," Tj stayed in front of the tv and started pouting.
"Get out the way I said next game you can play with me," Tj stood there still pouting.
I made my way over there to try to move him.
"Fuck see Tj you made me Fucking miss the buzzer beater shot," he threw the Xbox controller but, it ended up hitting the side of Tj's face.
"Ouch," Tj busted out in tears.
"Kayla come here," I heard foot steps stomping down the steps.
I sat on the other couch in the room.
"Tremaine, baby come here," I patted to the spot next to me on the couch.
He slowly made his way over and plopped down on the couch.
"Yes mom," Kayla walked over to the couch.
"Can you take your brother upstairs and ice up his bump."
She nodded and picked up crying Tj.
"Oh and give him medicine and lay him and T down for a nap."
She walked upstairs.
"I miss my baby girl," he laid his head on my lap and started crying.
"I know baby we're going to take this one day at a time together ok," he continued lightly sobbing on my lap.
After awhile the soft sobs turned into snores. I moved his head off my lap carefully and grabbed a blanket to put over him.


Poor Tj😢
Sorry I haven't been updating I started playing basketball. Plus I've had a lot of project due in school but, I working my way back to writing everyday.😊
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