Plumbers and Princesses

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'Narrator pov.'
"Trust me guys, you're gonna love my friends. They're aliens. You're half aliens. You'll all get along." Ben insists as he leads Manny, Shay, and Alan into Undertown.

"That's kinda racist Tennyson." Shay points out.

"The Incursion is calling me racist?" Ben laughs.

"Half Incursion. I'm green and I can jump, but I don't eat flies or look like a French dish." Shay grumbles.

"He's got a point though. Your mom is kind of racist." Alan points out.

"Yeah." Shay trails off. They come to a fountain in the middle of a food court and Ben looks around with a frown.

"I guess they're late." He sighs.

"I'm gonna get a Puplexian Coornish. It tastes like a chili dog on steroids." Manny announces.

"No! You have to stay right here." Ben insists.

"We're in a food court Ben. That implies food." Alan whines.

"Fine fine, go get some charcoal chips." Ben sighs. Alan and Manny run off in search of their favorite foods.

"You're not gonna go get something?" Ben asks Shay with a raised brow.

"Undertown food scares me. I almost got served a rat once." She answers with a grossed out look.

"Tennyson!" Someone calls. Ben shoves Shay behind him and smiles at the approaching girls.

"Hey guys! You made it." He laughs. Looma, Ester, and Attea approach with smiles.

"Who's your friend Ben?" Ester asks.

"This is my Plumber friend Shay! Shay, say hi to Attea." Ben suggests as he moves behind the half breed and shoves her forward. She stumbles and almost knocks Attea down.

"Watch it you...girl." Attea trails off as she blinks at Shay.

"I'm sorry, I'm really clumsy." Shay laughs as she looks up. She blinks and her eyes go wide as she blushes.

"Oh my God! You're Princess Attea! Ben, you shoved me into Princess Attea!" Shay freaks as she turns on the Omnitrix bearer.

"You've heard of me?" Attea asks as she pushes her fingers together.

"Of course! I'm half Incursion. My mom's side." Shay laughs nervously.

"Oh." Attea says.

"Hey why does Shay look like she just...uh. Wow." Manny trails off as he walks up with Alan.

"Looma, this is Manny. Manny, this is Princess Looma Redwind. Ester, this is Alan and vice versa."

"Greetings! Ben has told me much about your battle prowess." Looma booms as she pats Manny's back with a harsh thump.

"Sorry guys, but Attea and I are gonna go check out this weapons booth a few streets over. Laters." Shay apologizes with a small wave. She and Attea turn and start jumping through the market.

"All according to plan." Ben snickers quietly as he rubs his hands together.

"Wow, how are you wearing all that? Aren't you hot?" Alan asks Ester, oblivious to his friend's plotting.

"Oh, I'm Kraaho. We kind of need extreme heat. I'm pretty cold right now." She sighs as as runs her arms.

"Oh here, let me." Alan says nicely as he steps closer to her he transforms into his Pyronite form. Ester blinks at him in surprise.

"You're a Pyronite?" She asks as she leans into his warmth.

"Half Pyronite. My dad was a plumber and my mom was a human." Alan says with a shrug.

"I'm half human too." Ester says with an excited smile.

"You are half human as well?" Looma asks as she turns to Manny. He straightens up and nods stiffly.

"Hm. I would enjoy a spar. I have never faced a half human before." Looma says with a sharp grin.

"Oh you're on Princess." Manny laughs as he crosses his arms. Looma spots his metal hand and frowns.

"You were hurt?" She asks as she takes it in two of her hands.

"It happened in the Null Void." Manny answers glumly.

"You fought in the Null Void?" Looma questions as she gazes at him.

"Well, yeah. It's not a big deal." Manny says sheepishly as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Come. We shall fight now!" Looma insists as she grabs his arm. She starts pulling him away and Ben smirks.

"Not near any populated areas!" He calls after the two.

"Ben, I'm so sorry but Ester wants to show me her village. They have a group of kids that are sick because of the cold and I might be able to help." Alan apologizes.

"Nah man, go ahead, I get it." Ben laughs as he waves his hand.

"Bye Ben. Don't think I don't know what you're doing." Ester says cheekily before leading Alan away. Ben pulls out his phone and calls the first number.

"Hey babe! Wanna come down to Undertown? Yeah yeah, you were right." He laughs as he turns to walk down the street.

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