Only love can hurt like this

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Guess who is back 🫶🏻 Ciao anyways please enjoy! 2.3k words! Read with the music please. Slight spoilers ahead!


After completely drowning herself in alcohol and her own self-pity at the bar.

Rose walked through lamp-lit streets everything around her was blurry as she wobbled looking at the people who walked past her that evening.

The sight of couples tugged her heart as she frowned finally thinking of the past and her own short-lived love life.


Rose always knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Eren.

Yet she didn't understand why.

Why she didn't change her answer that night maybe then Eren wouldn't have done what he did.

Yes, everyone knew they were somewhat together. But there wasn't any label placed on their relationship to be exact.

"Rose... what am I to you?" Those words slipped through Eren's lips as she froze.

She felt her mind go blank as she looked up at Eren who sincerely waited for her response.

'What are we...?!' Rose herself thought of that question as she gazed at Eren's teal eyes she always thought were pretty.

She knew her answer even then but the thought of Eren possibly rejecting her would be enough for her to completely disappear from his life.

Eren had already been keeping his distance from her and their friends more and more every day. But even with the distance or him disappearing from time to time, he hadn't changed a lot with her when they were alone.

If anything he had become more earnest with what he wanted with her yet she still managed to mess it up.

"We're... we're best friends right?!" Rose stuttered already regretting her answer as she watched Eren sigh closing his eyes.

'Did he expect something else?' Rose watched Eren's face. She knew him long enough to know he didn't expect that answer.

After all best friends don't kiss let alone have sex with each other.

At that moment a Marley foreigner had approached them inviting them over as Eren nodded accepting the invitation.

"Hey Eren" Rose reached out for the hem of his jacket stopping him from his tracks.

"No matter what you do I will always care for you and stay by your side" Rose smiled with regret as she watched Eren's eyes widen before he turned around.

"I will too Rose," Eren said before continuing to follow the Marley foreigner to their tent.

That night after a couple of drinks and returning to the azumbito house there she was sleeping next to him. His warmth brought Rose comfort as both their bodies merged in that little piece of paradise they considered home.

After hours of making love and cuddling Rose had decided to confess that next day but now Eren, her Eren, the man that had promised her long ago he would never leave had left her without a warning.

While no one understood why he had vanished Rose still awaited a sort of explanation.

When he secretly contacted her again Rose tried to reason with him and get him to come back. But after failed attempts, she had no choice but to tell the rest of the survey corps his plan.

Eren x Oc! Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now