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Spoilers for Ch. 85+

This story is based on the development that titan shifters only live for 13 years after inheriting their powers. Eren has 8 years left.
[Story does not belong to me, belongs to a Tumblr user under the name of Phen01! Check out her stuff!]

In East Asia, the phrase "ten thousand years" is used to celebrate a long life, and the number "ten thousand" gives the impression of "forever" or "infinity". I know the story of SnK is set in pseudo-Europe, but it is a Japanese work, so...




It's a perfect day, the kind that Rose had dreamt about when Armin first told her about the sea. The sun is wrapped around her skin, and the waves are whispering a lullaby against the beach and around her ankles. Her toes sink into the sand, kicking clouds in the water. It's a perfect day, but she hardly notices any of it.

"I'm sorry," Eren tells her, fingers curling around hers.

She doesn't want to hear this. Oh God, she doesn't want to hear this just yet. She doesn't want to hear about the Titans, about the Ymir Curse, about the eight years he has left.

The two of them share a long silence, broken only by the sighing shore.

"Your eyes," Rose says suddenly. "They're the same colour. I never would have known if you hadn't brought us here."

She nods to the water.


"I would want two kids," Rose tells Eren one night.

There's a pause, but he recovers. "Two is good," he agrees. "Like me and Mikasa. Couldn't stand her motherin--"

"Still can't," she points out, and he rolls his eyes.

"-but I never got lonely," Eren continues. "And they can protect each other."

She smiles, lips pressing into the crook of his neck.

"I'd protect them too."

"I know. I know you'd be a good mother."

"And you'd be a good father."

"...God, I hope so. Better at least, than my own dad-"

"Oh, Eren. Don't say that. It would be different for them than it was for us. Life, I mean."

"Yeah. They'd know freedom."

"Because of you."

He sits up to lean over at her, touching her face and brushing her hair back, lowering his lips to meet hers. He kisses her lazily, deep and long and slow, as though the two of them have all the time in the world.

It's nice to pretend.


His legs are laced with strings of flesh, and he is still half in his titan's neck. Blood is smeared across Rose's cheeks and her broken blades, burning hotly and steaming off her skin.

Her weapons clatter to the ground. She grabs his face, pulling him into a kiss through all the steam and blood.

"I'm pissed at you," he growls, but she can tell that the words hold no true animosity. "I plan on spending the rest of my fucking life with you Rose, and I can't do that if you get so reckless!"

Something stings in her chest, and her fingers tug at his hair, punishing and desperate. "You're such a fucking hypocrite," she whispers.

The two of them kiss like it will be your last time, all teeth and tongue and swollen lips. Eren has always handled his feelings for Rose crudely, loving her with the sort of shameless intensity he applies to everything else in life. Kissing without inhibition, fucking without inhibition, desiring without inhibition. But something has become different lately, and Rose had never thought that the touch of his lips could get any more urgent than usual, but it has.

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