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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>==========> BOOK Trailer

This is my 1st book


The Smith family was an ordinary family back in the 1400s. During that time one of the Smiths' family member, who was a blacksmith, was killed by the dreadful werewolf. The Smith family became werewolf hunters because they thought he was just killed by the werewolf. To find out he himself was one all along…

~Molly Smith Age 13 ~

“Don’t leave this house.”

 Those were the last words that my father spoke to me. I didn’t know it then, but I remember hoping that he’d come home. But as the long night continued, he didn’t. Even as I slept, that worry kept plaguing me. It must have been some kind of eerie premonition, one of those dreadful ones that came to pass in the worst way possible.

 The sunlight prickled over the flatland, creeping through the leaves of the trees of the nearby forest. I woke to a sound of a knock on my family’s door. I made my way downstairs just as Ma prised open the main door. She was smiling as she opened the door, probably hoping it was Pa. It was a man with black bushy hair and beard. I knew him from  the wasn’t very far from our house. In his hand was a  rolled piece of paper.

He gently handed my mother the letter with sadness in his black pupil eyes. As my mom nodded her head to the old man she closed the door.

“What is it mom?” I questioned. Was it about Pa?

“Go get your brother.” Ma snapped at me. Why did she snap at me? I walked down the hall to my baby brother’s room who at age 6. I pick up Lance he mumbles still being asleep.

I bring him in the living room by the fireplace as Ma sits in my father’s rocking chair. Her aqua eyes began to sadden as she looked down to Lance and I.

“Ma what’s wrong?” She started to cry.

Lance woke up as he heard Ma cry.

“Mommy? Molly? Daddy?” Lance shuttered as he rubbed his eyes.

It was probably about Pa. I started to hold Lance tighter.  As Ma begin to cry harder, the letter fell from her hand to the floor. I reached for the parchment paper as it hit the wooden floor.

                                                  Dear The Smith Family,

 I’m saddened to reckon that The son of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Herman Richard Smith. Was found last night about 1:00 am dead under a pine tree on top of Elizabeth Hill. He who was killed could not tell who or what killed him.


                                         The villagers councilMan

What? Pa is dead? Ma was crying harder and harder every second. I looked down at Lance who was confused.

“Molly, Wheres Pa?”

“He’s not coming back Lance.” I said lonely and scared.

“Like grandma and grandpa.”

“Yes.” I choked.

Grandpa and Grandma were killed sadly by the towns people thinking they were working with dark magic. I looked up to my mom who anger was building in her eyes.

“Come on Molly pack your things we are moving.”

“Where are we going Ma?”

“I’m not sure yet.” I walked into my room and started to pack my clothes. Where were we going?

Months later…

We reached this place where I’m not sure what’s it’s called, but Ma wouldn’t answer any of my questions. We reach a temple like place in the hot desert.

“Welcome to the Home Of The Purple Shalmon Headquarters.” A man in a white robe announced to us.

What is this place?

Weeks later…

“You.” The women said as she pointed to a young girl who stood on the left side of me.

“Get through this obstacle course.”

She, the girl, looked over to the other young teens like me.  As she ran through the obstacle course she was doing great until it came to the end. ‘Kill the beast’ it read.

She couldn’t kill the beast. “You!” She pointed at me, “Do the obstacle course and kill the beast.” I gulped.

I ran, I jumped, Scared. Would I be able to kill the beast at the end of the obstacle course. I zipped through the course faster than I thought. I was face to face to the beast, it was hairy it’s beading eyes staring me down. It looked of a dog ish animal. To my right was a series of knives, axes and many more sharp objects. I reached for a knife which was long, shimmering silver and in black read Hunter.

I closed my eyes as I stabbed the creature. I felt emotionless whole killing the beast. As I get up, blood covering my hand, knife and my clothing. I walk over to my teacher with surprise in her eyes.

“Well done.” I handed her the knife.

“No, Molly you keep that knife, remember of your training pass it down to every girl in your family who is as strong as you are.” My teacher said with pride in her eyes as she put her hand on my shoulder.

I was proud of myself as I looked at the Silver Hunter knife covered in the beast’s blood.

The Smith's Secret *Editing In Process* -DISCONTINUED-Where stories live. Discover now