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I was at home all alone and bored. Lance had some work to do at 'The Restaurant' so he made me breakfast and lunch before leaving. It was 11 am and I had already eaten breakfast which consisted of fried plantains, yam, sweet potato and egg sauce downed with some orange juice.
It was a tasty meal and I must say Lance is such a good cook.

The boredom was eating at me so I decided to do some snooping around in Lance's room. Couldn't find anything interesting enough.
I opened the Master's bedroom and had a good look around.
'This must be where his parents stayed' I said to myself.
I saw a picture frame and it showed a happy family of four. I could clearly see Lance's face in the picture he appeared to be 12 years old in it. There was a young girl by his left probably his sister. And behind them, were their parents. Lance looked a lot like his father and his sister looked a lot like the mom.
He had such a wonderful looking family but sadly I didn't know much about them.
Heck, I didn't even know much about Lance's past or history.
All Mr. Freddy told me was that he (Lance) was an orphan and needed help.
Looking at the picture again I could swear I've seen his parents somewhere before but I couldn't place it. His mom looked very familiar almost like I knew her but I just didn't want to stress out my mind.
I continued my search around the room when I came across a small box which probably belonged to a lady. I was about opening it when I heard a knock on the door. I dropped the box and rushed down quickly to answer the door.

When I opened the door, I couldn't believe who I saw.


"Is this seat taken?" she asked.
I had been at the restaurant for almost 3 hours working out some stuff and decided to have a break, when she approached my table I decided to ignore her but she sat down anyway.

"It's OK, I deserved that," she said smiling softly.
Looking at her she had lost a little weight and was looking radiant. I admitted that she increased in beauty over the past months. Nevertheless, her presence alone irritated me.

"What do you want?" I asked disdainfully

"Now sweetie, that's no way to talk to your mother" she replied, "Especially as we haven't seen each other in months"

"Where were you during father's funeral and will reading?" I asked

"During his funeral, I was out of the country and I didn't bother coming for his will reading," she paused then added "I knew there was nothing I would receive from it"

"I thought that as a mother, you would have been there to support me emotionally and otherwise but that's the excuse you give?"

"It's not an excuse. Besides, I had already divorced him"

"Why? What did he do wrong? Was it because of me?" I asked I could practically feel the emotions welling up in me

"Sweetie it wasn't because of you, I just didn't love your father anymore"

"But he loved you"

"I know but love is a two-way traffic system. It's not enough if only one of us is giving and the other isn't willing to receive it"

"Was my love not enough? Wasn't I enough?"

She wiped off the tears that had already started strolling down my face

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