19- A Gift

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This IS NOT the ending! The next chapter is the epilogue. After the epilogue I will start on the sequel to this book. Enjoy!
(Contains swearing)
(W/Y/L)= Where you live
(H/C)=. Hair Colour
(H/L)= Hair Length
(F/T)= Favourite Type
(E/C)= Eye colour
(N/N)= Nick Name

"It's nice to see you again!" Cain chirped cheerfully and I did the same. "You too!"

"It's great to see you in such a nice mood in the morning." He smiled teasingly, I pouted, "yeah, yeah whatever."

He chuckled at my words, "I was only joking with you." He patted my head. All of a sudden his mood changed and he fell quiet.

"I'm here, not only because I like to talk to you, because I have a gift for you." He pulls out a red small box that has a note engraved into it from his pocket of his kimono jacket.

"There is something you must do before opening it. You must read the note on this box and follow the instructions. If not, the gift will be meaningless." He told- no ordered. Sounds kinda suspicious.

"Okay!" I tell him and take the box from his hands carefully. "Listen to the instructions with care." He started, "I will be taking my leave now. Have fun with the gift. I will see you soon. Very soon." What could he mean by that?Cain walked right out of the door way and through the hall to the main door.

Such an odd request. Though a man in 2019 wearing a traditional kimono on a daily basis without a told reason, is bound to be a little different.

I hear the door open and close. He's gone. "What did you get!" The brunette Macken asked with childish curiosity. He hugged my neck from behind the couch.

"When did you get there!" I shout, startled. He giggled, "silly you! It's not just me. I got here just now though." He booped my nose. So adorable!

"Luka, you can't just tell her our spot like that!" Alois whined to his brother as he was right next to him.

"Sorry, brother." Luka cried out in a cutesy manner.

"It's a gift of some sort." I bring back the earlier question. "May I see that?" Sebastian asked me and I nod so he grabbed it from my hands.

"The note engraved into this gift is gold. Such a precious material. It appears to be magical? An aura of ancient magic. To go for such lengths for a person means this must be... never mind.

"The note says,
1- After given this you must open it the next day.
2- Press the gold key to open it up.
3- put the gift on.
4- Shout 'Mittere non duae, sed decem commorantes
Plus quam ego dabo ei cultro.

O honoro Ita alienatus fuerit,
Ut sciam quod recti vos auferat!" Sebastian read aloud for me and god damn am I going to have to figure out what that says. My mother seemed to find interest in learning languages. I remember her placing them all in the library upstairs. I could start looking there.

"Thank you for reading it aloud for me." I thanked him and got up to go to the stairwell. "I might need to get an upgrade to an elevator. The stairs are too long." I thought aloud with a light giggle at the end.

I made it up the stairs and passed a room to get to the door of the library. I opened the birch designed door and looked through the aisles of books. Which aisle? Mythology, Math, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Language... Aha Language!

I dashed to the Language aisle I just passed and skimmed through each book. Dictionary: English to Latin and Latin to English. I picked up the book and sat down on a couch. This is going to take a while. I put on some reading glasses and started to look for the first word to the next.


All together it means:
Send not one, tow, but ten to their abode, more than shall make it overload. The person who made this shouldn't be a poet.

With all seriousness, what does it mean to their abode? come on, (Y/N) your not that much of an idiot are you? It means someone home. Send not one, two, but ten. Does that mean this is a way for the Black Butler crew to go home?

"Time for dinner!" Can Sebastian yell any louder? I go down the stairs and get into the kitchen. I sat on the dining room seat and look at the meal. Damnit! I forgot to help them with dinner!

"It twastes dewicious!" I compliment while shoving food into my mouth. "My lady, please don't talk with your mouth full." Claude asked me with a tint of hope in his eyes.

"Alright fine." I agreed and listened as Sebastian started to speak. "We will discuss the gift you got in the morning after dinner." After that was a complete and utter silence. I'm not one to like silence but it seemed like it was needed right now.

As if! I hummed to a song to fill the silence of the room for a while and smiled as I hummed. Is it more embarrassing to sing or to hum? I can't tell. I waited for everyone to finish eating before I went to the living room.

I sat down on the couch that I pushed back to the wall and laid back. "What does it mean?" Ciel asked as he sat right beside me.

"Send not one, two but ten to their abode, more than shall make it overload" I told them all. "Quite odd to say such a thing." Vincent pointed out albeit we already knew that.

"It's also conspicuous if you're only allowed to open it tomorrow too." Dusk added and put on his big boy thinking face on.

I laughed, "Well, we are going to have to find what this is all about tomorrow, now aren't we?" They all nodded and we all headed to bed.

It was a short day. My eyes closed and my body fell into slumber as I dreamt about meaningless things.

This chapter was short, huh? Sorry. The next will be longer, I assure you. This chapter was enjoyable to make so I wish you enjoyed reading it as much as I did making it. I hope you have a good day/night/evening/afternoon! ☺️
-UnusedMarsBar out~!

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