Warren's Wedding

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Season 4- Episode 7

The truck slowed, the group talking away as they tried to figure out what was wrong. I couldn't. All I could think about was the one person I wanted nothing more than to have beside me, Lucy. I'd never been so connected to anyone, she took a chunk of me to heaven with her. "We got company." At Doc's words, I looked up. In the distance, a zombie walked towards us. Murphy stood up, grabbing his cane. "Dad! Dad, wait!" I grabbed his arm, holding a hand to the Z, before letting him go. "It's a Mad one." I whispered, watching as he walked away and beat it down. I glanced at Warren, catching her eye as I retreated to sit back down. The rest of the group joined me once the car was fixed, and we continued on. "Come here." I looked up at Murphy, before doing as he said, leaning on him as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

All of a sudden, we heard a woman shouting for help. "What is that?" Murphy snapped, looking around.
"Keep going!" Warren called to Sarge in the driver's seat. She nodded, but I shook my head, feeling the zombies that we began to approach. "No, stop!" Warren glared at Murphy as we slowed to a stop, jumping out.
"Somebody help me!" Came another shout, followed by a loud scream.
"Aren't you the one that say never get out the boat?" Warren questioned as Murphy grabbed his cane.
"I'm getting out of the boat. I'm killing some bad guys. Who's coming with?" He asked. None of us moved, I just lifted my head to watch as Warren rushed forwards, stopping him. "Hey, let me check it out first, all right? Don't do this in the headspace you're in. Nothing good can come of it." She pleaded.
"Nothing good comes of anything." He reminded. Warren looked to me for help, but I stayed as I was, unmoving and silent as Doc followed him. "Jordan, come on, he's gonna need you." Doc called back.
"Oh, fine." I mumbled, before following Sarge and 10k over to them.

"Well what in the hell do we have here? The world's saddest carnival?" Doc questioned.
"Mad Zs. Four." 10k responded.
"Five." I quickly corrected, walking up to the fence.
"Any humans?" Sarge asked.
"Up there." 10k raised his gun, and we all looked up at the Ferris wheel, where a woman with mascara running down her cheeks was slouched. "Alive or Z?" Warren asked.
"Can't tell. Now who would do that to a woman? I tell you, it's not the zombies that make the apocalypse suck, it's the damn people."
"No shit, Doc. She is alive, by the way." I spoke up, rolling my eyes at him.
"Help." She let out another cry for help.
"Hang on." Murphy walked forwards, and she finally noticed us, opening her eyes as she sat up.
"Help me. Please. Don't leave me! They tied me up here and left me for the Zs!" She cried out, struggling against the zip ties around her wrists.
"Bastards," Murphy mumbled, before looking back up, "Who? Who did this to you?" He shouted. The Zs turned, and I sighed, watching as they fought against the fence.
"Let's get her down." Warren finally gave in, allowing Murphy and I to step forward.

"You guys keep em busy, I got an idea." Doc spoke up, before walking away as we drew our weapons. Murphy was quick to stab three, whilst I just swirled my knife, whistling Lucy's lullaby as I stabbed one in the head. Then Doc began to tap on a car, calling the zombies over like dogs. He climbed into a small beetle, shutting the doors as the zombies climbed in. "Doc!" My shout was too late as the Z creeping up behind him grabbed his shoulders. Murphy looked at me, then to our friend, before walking over and jamming his sword in it's mouth, shoving it alongside the others in the car. "You done playing around? I'm dying up here." I turned back to the woman on the Ferris wheel.
"Yeah? Well, unlike your sorry ass, some of us have actually died, people whose lives were worth much more than yours!" I hissed, walking away to sit in the back of the truck again, whilst they got her down and grabbed some water.

"Jordan!" I looked up at the shout from Murphy. "We're off to kill some son murderers, you in?" He hollered, I smirked, looking at the upset woman.
"Oh, yeah." As I passed Warren, she grabbed my hand, and I looked up at her, meeting her eyes.
"Don't do this, baby girl. It's not worth it." She pleaded.
"Warren, let go." Was all I said, being met with silence as I stared into her eyes, finally being freed from her grasp. I jogged forwards, catching up with Murphy and allowing him to wrap an arm around my shoulders, just like we used to with Lucy. "Dad." I stopped him, and we hovered behind a building. In the ground was a zombie, her head the only thing left showing. Doc and 10k joined us, crouching down and looking ahead.

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