A New Life

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Season 5- Episode 1

Eventually, we pulled up to a walled off compound, and I shared a surprised look with Doc. "They've actually done it." I whispered, suddenly feeling all the dead that lived inside, "there's Talkers in there." We got out, the group cheering us inside as George hugged a woman. I made sure to keep the puppy in my jacket, hidden and safe.

"This is more like it." Doc smiled, looking around the grassy area. It resembled a market place, and everyone seemed at peace. "Hey, Doc! You gotta go to quarantine first!" We turned at George's call, before walking over.
"George!" They all cheered as we made our way over, and she smiled.
"Thanks guys."
"Dante, hows that Kevlar tape working out?" A woman asked as he walked in. He tapped his stomach, "great. No guts have come out yet."
"Got some new citizens for you." George spoke up again, causing eyes to fall on us, most on me.
"What's up? We come in peace." Doc waved, and I moved behind him.
"Welcome to Altura, the longest running zombie free outpost in all of North America. Give yourselves a hand, you made it." The woman recited, causing George and a few of our group to applaud as she walked away. "Hey, where are you going?" Doc called after her. George turned, and smiled at us.
"Don't worry. They'll take good care of you. See you on the inside." Then she was gone.
"Alright, this is how it's gonna work. Humans line up to my right, mortally challenged to my left." I followed Doc, only to be stopped by a firm hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, back off!" I hissed, twisting away.
"You don't look human to me." The man shoved me towards the other side of the line.
"She said back off." 10k stepped forwards, causing the group, mainly talkers, to get riled up, including the pup I had hidden in my jacket. "Restrain them!" With that shout the Talkers were held with guns to their heads and I froze. "Now, you're going straight to biohazard research, or straight back out there." I looked at the talkers, who were trying to get to me, before sighing.
"Guys, I'm okay. It's alright, calm down." They began to settle and I turned to the walking dick, "I'll go."
"What? No." 10k grabbed my hand and I smiled at him.
"I'll be fine, what's the worst they can do?" Then I was being led away, two firm hands gripping an arm each as I desperately tried to keep the pup hidden.

Soon, we were inside and I was led into a lab, and taken towards a chair with restraints. "No. Absolutely, fucking not!" I hissed, elbowing my captors' to run across the lab. The puppy broke free, standing at my feet and releasing sharp growls. They drew guns, one aimed at me, the other at the pup. "I'd drop that, or all the talkers will be running here in no time. Even the ones outside, who don't talk." I warned, watching a nearby talker begin to struggle against his own chair.
"Do as she says." I froze. I knew that voice. "Drop your weapons, and get out of my lab." I turned, seeing Sun Mei standing there.
"No way. We thought you were dead." I stated, watching the men leave the room.
"I could say the same to you." She responded, I rolled my eyes, before looking down at my protector who barked away.
"Hey, I'm okay. You did good." I whispered, picking it up and laughing as it licked my cheek.
"Who's the dog?" Sun Mei asked.
"Not sure. It's wearing a collar but it's too muddy to figure out. Now, can you just take some blood and let me go?"
"You may need to come back for other tests, but I'm sure you'll want to get your friend washed." She smiled as the pup looked up at her and I held out my arm.
"Can I ask you a question?" I spoke up as she set to work.
"Is Addy here? Or, has anyone seen her? I don't feel her and I need to know." Sun Mei didn't respond, and from the silence I knew the answer.

Two blood bags later and I was getting more and more annoyed with the lack of communication with the others. "Hey, how long am I stuck in here?" I asked, watching Sun Mei store the blood away.
"As long as we need you here." She replied.
"So much for washing the puppy." I groaned, folding my arms in annoyance. Then I heard the door open, followed by rushed paws against the floor. I looked up, a doctor had just entered, and the undead puppy had left. "Shit!" I let out a loud shout, pulling the needle from my arm and quickly taking after it, despite the protests from the doctors. There's no way I was losing this pup when I'd just got it. I heard screaming coming from a room down the hall, following the sounds to find a very outnumbered pup growling at a group of humans. Then a shot was fired, and I clutched my stomach in pain, glaring at the shooter as I saw the bleeding puppy.

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