Crisis of Faith

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Season 4- Episode 8

I rolled my eyes as we stopped walking, and Doc sang a song about drugs with Sarge. "Here we are. Cannabis country." She said, as they finished. Murphy put his hand on his head, sighing.
"Oh my god. Uh, those aren't pot leaves, dear. They're maple leaves. Those are Canadian flags." He pointed out.
"Oh, Canada."

A small silence came over us, and I felt Warren grow uneasy as her hand shook, a slight pain burning in my chest.

"So this is Canada." 10k looked around.
"You know, I would've thought it'd be obvious from the sign right I front of us saying, 'welcome to Canada', but obviously not." I teased, looking at it.
"Newmerica's probably less than two day's drive now." Doc spoke up, whilst 10k poked my side, making me squeal.
"Barring any unforeseen zombie action." Sarge reminded.
Doc turned to look at Warren, "well, what do you say, Chief?" He asked her.
"She's not the chief anymore. She said so herself." Murphy cut in.
"Shut up, Murphy." Doc shouted at him. I glared, mentally adding, "don't be a prick." Which earned a scoff as he looked back at us. "Are we doing this?" Doc asked her again.
"We're doing this." Warren finally confirmed. Murphy sighed.
"Frozen wasteland of peace, here I come."
"Kinda seems too good to be true." 10k spoke up. Doc nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, I know what you mean kid. I remember when Newmerica was called California. It's just so hard to believe anything anymore." I shuddered at the thought of my blood father, and what had happened back in that lab. 10k caught on, pulling me into a small hug as Warren called Murphy a cockroach. "Well, you know what they say about cockroaches, they survive..."
"Mad Zs, everyone, check around them!" I cut Murphy off, and we all turned to face them.

"Warren check your three." Sarge warned.
"More,12 o'clock." 10k pointed his sniper, and I drew my knife, going to Warren's side. I stabbed the one of the left, and she took care of the other. "Did that seem a bit easy to you?" I asked, looking down at them.
"Yeah, you good?" She responded, looking me over. I placed a hand on her arm.
"Are you? Warren, I feel you're not right. I'm here, okay? Just like you have been for me, I don't blame you." She smiled, patting my hand, before leading me to join back up with the group.

"I don't mean to stereotype, but those were some of the nicest zombies I ever seen," Doc spoke up as he walked over.
"I know, eh?" Murphy responded, I frantically tapped Warren's arm as I felt many more approaching.
"Back to America. Run!" She ordered, causing the group to take off. We followed Doc through a fallen fence, and I turned to stand with Sarge and 10k. "They're not all mad Zs, but I can't get them to stop!" I called to them as they open fired.
"Guys, over here!" Doc hollered from around the corner, causing us to run again. He had opened up a door, waving us inside. Once we made it, he slammed it shut and we caught our breath, despite their pounding on the doors.

Then I looked up, finding we were in a church. "For god's sake." I mumbled, instantly causing a small chuckle to come out of Murphy, who was hit by Doc to shut up. Sarge signalled for us to split up, her, Doc and Murphy searching the top floor, whilst we took the bottom. "I'll stay and see if I can calm any of them down, or at least thin the horde." I whispered, getting a nod from Warren as I placed a hand against the door. I slowly connected with the normal Zs, smiling as they all said 'hello' to me. "Go, that's it, get out of here." I smiled as some of them left, before letting out a sharp cry at the Mad Zs knocking on the door. Then I felt Murphy, he was in danger, and when I turned the corner he was shouting for help.

"Warren!" As soon as I called her name, she came running, and I pointed to the zombie nuns above. She instantly raised her pistol, shooting both of them down, one falling to the ground next to 10k. Murphy turned, and upon seeing him, rolled his eyes. "My saviour." 10k didn't respond, and I coughed, getting his attention on Warren. "Warren." He nodded, and she just motioned for them to come down.
"Hey, Warren, are you sure you're okay?" I looked at her, and she waved for me to follow her back to a side door. I picked up a plank of wood, placing it against the door. "They're hungry, but they don't want to be." I spoke up, sighing as I felt them clawing to be in.
"Yeah, aren't they all." Warren responded, but I shook my head, watching her.
"They're in pain, Warren, so am I, and so are you. I can't explain what I feel, I just know it burns, you're suffering, and nobody can see it but you and I. Tell me what's going on, please." She stopped moving wood and looked up at me.
"I don't know, all I know is that these dreams feel real, and I can't stop them coming." I felt her panic, so I stepped forwards and wrapped my arms around her. "I'm with you, Warren, no matter what." I whispered.
"You too, baby girl. I've got you, I know you miss her, more than you're showing." She replied, pulling back as I dabbed my eyes.
"I guess we're both guilty of hiding things then, huh?"
"I guess so, come on." She lead me back to the others, and I stood beside Murphy.

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