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The gauntlet was no longer on your person but was on the ground only a few feet from him.

You knew his game. Try to manipulate you with words, weaken your impressionable psyche. But he wasn't going to beat you that easily.

He went for the gauntlet, but you blocked it with your body. He picked you up and threw you to the side and tried to put the gauntlet on.

Since it didn't perfectly fit him, he could barely get it on. You took advantage of the delay and jumped on top of his arm.

You tried to grab the gauntlet but he had already anticipated the move and shoved you off.

He stood up and as he did, the gauntlet fit tightly and firmly around his fist.

With insurmountable fear in your heart, you began walking towards him.

A machine from above began raining bullets onto you.

The first dozen stung like hell, but bounced off your skin.

But the more that hit, the more scared you got. The serum was wearing off and each bullet that hit went deeper and deeper.

"I am inevitable, Stark."

You kept walking towards him, delaying his snap as long as possible. Each bullet stung worse and worse. You were trying not to fall over; not to give up.

Go as hard as you can until you're dead. That's what you had to do.

"You may be inevitable," you said, "But I am invincible

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"You may be inevitable," you said, "But I am invincible."

You were face-to-face with him. This might not work. You might die. But you always wanted to be a hero.

You wanted to prove to yourself and no one else that you weren't a weak little girl taken advantage of. You were powerful and courageous. That's what you wanted to be.

You watched as he pulled out his weapon and stabbed you right in the heart.

It pierced through your chest and anything else standing in the way of the heart. But the heart itself was impenetrable.

But the serum wasn't done just yet. All burned out except in the heart.

Thanos thrusted again at your heart, but nothing happened.

You reached up and stole the mind stone while he was distracted.

Before he could thrust again, the gauntlet was ripped off by Tony. The gauntlet attached to his fist. Now that Thanos no longer had the gauntlet, his weapon disappeared.

He looked at it for only a moment. Before he tried to snap, you put your hands out and yelled, "Stop!"

"Dad, let me do it. It won't kill me! It'll ruin you! Please. You have to let me do this!"

One Dance 2: Invincible Where stories live. Discover now