Scene Seven: Wars End

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Scene Seven:

Wars End

The camera begins the scene back in the palace on Ganton. Here we see that Adolf has carried Sica to a low bench, and he is sitting next to her and seems to be holding a cloth against the wound. Sica's eyes are shut, and her face white, occasionally she moves her body, but otherwise remains still except for her slow breathes.

The sound of footsteps down the hallway causes Adolf to look up, worry lines evident in his face.

He then turns his attention back to Sica, who has opened her eyes slightly.

Adolf: I'll be back. He says softly, he then stands up and strides towards the door way.

He just turns the corner out of sight when he almost runs in to an officer.

Imperial Officer 5: My Lord, there was a disturbance on the loading areas; the shuttles were forced to head to the destination. He explains apologetically, nervously glancing over his shoulder expecting to see Tobias.

Adolf: What? He exclaims, his voice surprised, and stunned.  

Imperial Officer 5: We will need to tie his Highness in to the com channels so he can hear the progress. He informs the prince in a matter-of-fact tone, ignoring his expression.   

Adolf: The king has died. I am in charge now.

Delay any other ships that have not left yet, do not allow them to leave! Have the others gone off the grid? He says quickly, words tumbling out of his mouth.  

Imperial Officer 5: Yes my Lord, but how did his lordship perish? He asks, visibly shaken.

Adolf takes a deep breath before answering.

Adolf: He fell on his own sword. Now go belay that order! He orders again, this time with authority in his voice.

Imperial Officer 5: Yes my Lord. He says coming to attention and fairly running down the hall.

Adolf watches him leave before turning around and rushing back to where Sica is lying. He reaches her side and kneels down next to her.

Adolf: The army has left. Despite her wound Sica sits partially up on her elbows.

Sica: What? She says weakly, her eyes searching his face.

Adolf: Something happened at the loading area; it spooked the commanders and sent the fleet on to Utivee early. He explains, his face flushing under her gaze.

Sica: K.R. She mutters grimacing as she tries to sit up, Adolf helps ease her into a sitting position.

Adolf: There is already an army sent there, we have already made contact. Sica looks straight into his eyes at that.

Sica: Another army? She repeats, Adolf nods his head, dropping his eyes from his sister's stare.

Adolf: Tobias had been training them for years. He decided this would be a perfect test of their effectiveness. He says in a low voice, as he keeps his head bowed.

As he says this Sica jumps up, only to fall against Adolf with a cry of pain.

Adolf: Easy! You'll only make it worse. He cautions her as he allows her to lean against him.

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