Scene Twelve: Desertion

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Scene Twelve:


The camera reopens later on the same day. Night has fallen and as the camera scans the terrain we see several isolated flickers of lights from fires and other sources.

The camera now moves to a small rise, in the growing dark we can see a lone figure standing on the top. As the camera gets closer we can make out the features of Secoondie, he is apparently standing on the hill for a reason.

While the camera is still moving in we see him whip out a pair of binoculars, and we see him bring them up to his eyes.

The camera changes to a view of looking through the binoculars themselves. On either far side there are several alien scripts are running, at best guess giving distance and other such information. In the center of the viewports we see a close view of the dark forest.

The camera moves out for a moment to show Secoondie push a button on the side of the casing. It moves back in time to see the view change to infrared. Similar to earth way the landscape appears green in the dark, but unlike several other objects stick out in different colors, depending on their origin.

The viewports swing back to the forest. The lenses move even deeper and for a moment there is nothing except the pale green trees.

Then in a flash a contact appears in red. The shape is human. And for only a second or so it is visible.

The camera moves back out to see Secoondie start and raise the glasses again.

No more figures appear, and after a moment Secoondie lowers the binoculars.

The camera notes his face to be in deep thought, and then he suddenly whips out a small disk from his belt. He pulls a small chip from the binoculars and slips it into a port on the disk. After a few moments the same scene plays out in hologram form displayed by the disk.

When it comes to the part with the figure Secoondie pauses it and carefully studies the figure. He pushes a hidden button on the disk and the rest of the background disappears, leaving the red contact.

He pushes another button and the figure rotates slowly, as it does so small details such a pieces of armor and a large rifle hugged close to the body can just be made out.

Secoondie’s face darkens as he studies the figure, he then abruptly deactivates the disc and shoves it back into his pocket. He then strides off the hill towards a brightly lit tent.

The camera moves ahead of him and turns its angle to watch as he enters the tent. A few of the soldiers inside nod in his direction but otherwise take no notice of him. He face is a mask of savage anger, and we see his eyes grow hard as he looks over the men quietly ignoring his and going about mundane tasks.

He continues to stand there the darkness on his face growing until he seems to make up his mind and strides over to where a group of lower rank officers are conversing quietly.

Secoondie: Commander! I want an update on the latest reports on the pursuit of those hotheads that are sneaking around the forest! He orders strongly, his tone causing several members of the group to flinch slightly.

The man Secoondie addressed obediently swiveled in his chair and pushes some buttons.

Officer 5: There have been no altercations to speak of in the last ten hours Admiral. Secoondie gives the officer a look of barely concealed contempt and impatience.

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