Bonus Chapter: Tell Her You Love Her

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"But don't you run away, run away, when you get tired. Cause this will slip away, slip away, and start a fire. That can never be put out, oh hurry time is running out. But don't you run away, run away, before you tell her you love her"

*Johnnie's POV*

After leaving the hospital, I decided to take a walk to clear my mind. I was still mad at Skye. How could she keep this from me. How can she keep doing this to me? What more do I have to do to prove to her that I do want to help her? How can I help her if she never lets me in her life? I'm getting sick of it!

"Hey Johnnie!"

I turn around. "Hi Blake. What are you doing out so late?"

"I should ask you the same thing. Anyways, how's Skye? Is she okay?"

"She's staying overnight for tests and stuff."

"That sucks. I wish I had the guts to ditch school like you and follow her to the hospital. Badass by the way."

It's true, after she was taken away, I snuck out of school and went to the hospital. The things I do for Skye.

"Johnnie, are you okay?"

Of course I'm not. Skye is sick, she keeps secrets from me, and I just don't know what to do.

I shake my head, not saying a word.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I nod, maybe talking will help.

We decide to go to a nearby park and sit on the swings. I told Blake about Skye's condition. Her anemia. And about her always hiding things from me. Blake was Skye's best friend. Maybe she knows why she keeps things like this to herself.

"I wish I can help you out with that, but Skye and I don't really talk about her life like that. I know as much as you do."

Should've known. Leave it to Skye to be so mysterious. I know I told her that I'll give her time to tell me about her life, but how much longer do I have to wait?

"Then again, Johnnie. You have to remember that Skye is used to keeping things to herself. I mean, she was bullied for so long, went through a dark time, built walls up to keep people away from hurting her. She really didn't have anyone to talk to before."

"But how much longer do I have to wait? How much do I have to go through for her to understand that some things aren't meant to be secrets? I just want to help her, and she just doesn't let me."

"Don't you see, Johnnie, this isn't about you. This is about Skye. As her boyfriend, you have to give her all the time and patience she needs. Let her feel safe. And when she's ready she'll tell you."

I never thought of that before. I always sucked at these things. I was only in one relationship before Skye...and that didn't go too well.

She starts swinging. "Relationships is all about patience, Johnnie. You have to be patient with Skye. Show her that you care, let her know that you'll be there no matter what. At her best, at her worst, be patient and love will prevail. Don't just be everything she wants, be everything she needs."

She's right. How could I not think of that? I was so caught up with trying to figure her out, forcing myself into her life, that I forgot how damaged she is. How scared she must be. I'm such an idiot! This is why I suck at relationships.

"Blake, I messed up. Big time."

"What did you do now?" She continues swinging

"I-I was too blind to see your point...about Skye...that I blew up on her." I look down, feeling bad for what I did.

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