Final Chapter: Feels Like Forever

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"Have you ever hid your face, in such disgrace, decisions made, A picture with no frame? Can you hold on one more day?"

I'm sitting in my now empty room. My things have been shipped to our new place in Baltimore. All that's left is a few of my bags downstairs and my backpack. This is it. Time to say goodbye. I lay on the floor and look up to the ceiling, reminiscing my time here. Sure I had a few bumps along the way, but if it weren't for those bumps I would have never changed. Changed for the better and ready to start over officially. Maybe this time everything will turn out better.

"Skye! It's time to go!" My mom calls from downstairs.

I get up and look around for the last time before closing the door behind me. Goodbye room.

"Say you're okay, I'm afraid that tomorrow is just too far away. Fight the pain, it just feels like forever is crashing down on me."

I go downstairs where Dalton is helping load the last of our things to his car. He offered to drive us to the airport and good news, he'll be transferring to the Conneticut base by the end of the year so he can be closer to us. The twins are already in the car and my mom is on the phone, probably talking to the realtor to finalize the purchase of the new house.

"Hey Skye. You have one last visitor." Dalton says.

I look away from my phone and see Johnnie standing outside the fence. What's he doing here?

"Five minutes Skye." Dalton says before going back to loading our things.

We haven't spoken at all. I don't know what to say to him. I'm still mad at him for what he did. And yet, a part of me still missed him. But I know that ship has sailed and everything is different and I know I have to move on from this. But how? What do I even say? I can't handle these types of situations. Wait, I have an idea! I quickly take out my music book from my backpack and go to the last page. I write a quick note and rip the page out before walking towards him. As I walk towards him I feel a rush of nervousness race through me.

"Hey." He finally says.

I wave to him, still not knowing what to say.

"Why didn't you tell me...that you were leaving?"

"I-I...didn't think I had to." I say. I mean of course I didn't. Last time I checked, we weren't even friends anymore.

He takes something out of his pocket and hands it to me. It's the necklace I gave him for Christmas.

"Figured you'd want it back. Since you gave back the bracelet I gave you."

I hold it and look at the lyric written on it. 'Don't let go, time will heal.' I smile, remembering how meaningful that lyric was to me, and hand it back.

"Keep it. Throw it away if you want. I have no use for it." I then hand him the note. "Just read it when I'm gone."

He puts the note in his pocket along with the necklace.

"So...this is it."

"This is it." I say.

"I'm sorry things ended the way it did. I guess...I just wish that we..."

"No Johnnie. It's alright, really. Things are just better off this way. If it weren't for this whole mess, I would've never figured out what's next for me."

"And what's that?"

Dalton starts honking the horn, signaling that it's time to head out.

"Let's just leave it at that." I offer him my hand. He shakes it. "I hope all is good with you and Clover. And I hope you do great things with your channel. I know you'll follow your dreams. And thanks for everything."

He softly smiles. "Bye Skye."

I take my hand back and get in the car before he could say anything else. My brother starts the car and we head out. Next stop, the airport. I don't look out the window cause I know Johnnie is still there. I rather not see him. I quickly wipe away a stray tear and close my eyes. Goodbye Johnnie.

"Rain will fall. Wash all the pain. It shields the soul, you turn the page to face another day. Let me know that you will wait and I will pay for my mistakes to feel the sun again. Can you hold on?"

"Attention passengers we are ready to take flight."

I'm sitting on the row behind my mom and the twins, looking out the window. This will be my last time looking at San Jose. I have nothing left here, besides my friends. But I'll see them again, one day. I put my headphones on and listen to my music. You Had Me At Hello starts playing. I look to my left and recall a memory:

"Sorry to bug you, but do you have a laptop charger I can use? Accidently forgot mine."

"Thanks. I'm Johnnie by the way."

This same song happened to be playing when I met Johnnie. On a plane to San Jose to start a new life. Now I'm on a plane back to Baltimore, ready to go back to my old life and start over. I kinda wished Johnnie and I left on good terms, but maybe letting go is for the best. I'm breaking free from the memories, and I'm ready for what's next. What's next for me? Well honestly I have no idea. I'll just have to find out for myself I guess.

"Next stop: Baltimore, Maryland."

The plane starts to take flight. Goodbye San Jose. Forever.

"Don't let go, time will heal. Just don't let go. One day we can learn to start again."



A/N: If you're reading this, congratulations you have made it to the end. I love you so, so much for sticking around for this. You Are Truly AWESOME!

I am saddened that this story has come to an end. I have grown attached to this story so much and how much love it's received that I literally started tearing up as I typed this chapter.

But for real, for real, Thank you so much for being apart of this adventure. I honestly cannot thank you all enough for the incredible feedback this story has received! I remember saying in a chapter that my goal for this story was to receive 1K reads & 100 votes by the end of this story. But look at it now! 5K reads, 200+ votes, and your kind words have truly brought great joy to me. Thank you times infinity! I always doubted myself as a writer, but you guys have truly inspired me <3 And S/O to Of Mice & Men for inspiring this story! I provided the link in this chapter just in case you haven't heard of the song that inspired this story ^-^ <3

This may be the end of Feels Like Forever, but I will be updating my other story Drown in early January :) But before that! I have a surprise for you!! Check back for an update on this story before New Year's Eve. Any guesses on what it is?

I'm not saying anything! I love you all! And thanks again! For everything! KBYE <3

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