ch 31~ her plan

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She remembers just where she left the cursed balls of energy after her reflection of the past. She springs to the back room of her cave and searches quickly for the chest she stored them safely in. The small, carved wooden chest was hidden behind a pie of grimoires. She shoved the books aside and sits upon her knees, pulling the chest close to her. She wipes off the dust from the top and looks closely to be certain it was the correct one. One can never be too careful with all the treasures she has stored in this organized chaos of hers. She slowly lifts the cover and sees the mason jar she stored the energy in.

Smiling to herself for remembering where she left it, she slams the cover closed and throws it under her arm as she quickly races over to her work bench. She sets it carefully on the bench table and with her hand, slides over some random items sitting in her way. They clatter as she does sweeps them aside.

She stands straighter as she goes to open the chest once again. The energy glowing from the jar, she smiles as she watches it. "Now, I know just what to do with you..." she trails off, mesmerized by the glow. She places the jar lovingly on the table as she flips the chest absentmindedly aside to the floor by her feet.

If the Troll and Raven Queens were in fact in the Wastelands as the gremlin says, she was going to need to have an arsenal to destroy everything in her path. The Wastelands weren't called that just because of some pretty little blossoms. It was called this because it was a vast wasteland of nothing, and any vile creature that came into existence went to this island to keep all the others safe. This was the worst place to be on the Island of Realms. Not many who travelled here came back in one piece, if at all. This was in fact, the very edge of Wishverse itself. A shutter went through Sky as she thought about the Wastelands and what it held. "I have to be ready. No matter what. I have to go and take care of these two, once and for all. I have to keep my family safe. The girls should not have to deal with these two ever." She breaths softly to herself, shaking the feeing away. She grabs her cauldron and sets to work.

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