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Evangeline was sitting in the tea room with Lysandra, waiting for Robin to arrive. Just as the rest of the house this room had the green and grey tones. Heavy green curtains were draped at the wall, the floor made of grey and green marble and the wooden table was decorated with silver accents. It was the perfect combination between chic and cozy.
She was so nervous. Why exactly had she agreed to do this again? She couldn't even remember. She tapped her fingers on the table, plucked at her dress, tapped her fingers on the table again.
She thought about everything that could go wrong. She could spill tea on his clothes, she could say something stupid, or Lysandra and Aedion could say something embarrassing about her or worse, maybe he wouldn't even show up.
Lysandra laid a hand on Evangeline's back. "Calm down," she said. "You're gonna be fine."
Evangeline forced a smile at her.
Oh she was so not gonna be fine. She could fall off of her chair or she could-
Her thoughts stopped abruptly as he entered the room, followed by Aedion. But she hardly noticed him, she was already staring at Robin.
He was gorgeous, so handsome and strong. He had the most beautiful light blue eyes, like a sunny morning sky. And his hair, brown like the sweetest chocolate mousse seemed to glow in the sun that shone through the windows. He caught her eye and smiled. She smiled back.
It felt like they were staring at each other forever.
"Please have a seat.", Lysandra said kindly.
Robin abruptly shot back to reality and he bowed deep. "Yes, Milady."
"Oh no need for titles, you can call me Lysandra." Lysandra said with another smile.
"And you may call me Holy Lord of Graceness."Aedion laughed.
Robin looked confused at Evangeline. She giggled.
"Oh don't mind him, he's just weird," Lysandra said with a grin at Aedion.
Then they all sat down and tea was served.
"So how is your mother?" Lysandra asked
Robin, who hadn't touched his tea yet. "Oh she's fine," he answered.
Evangeline pretended to sip her tea.
She didn't even like tea.
"She is on a trip to Orynth to buy new flowers for her shop."
Evangeline had never met Robin's mother but she knew she had a flower shop in the village and sold the most beautiful flowers from all over the land.
And so the conversation went on. Robin told them where he had learned his archery skills, he had learned them from his father, a great warrior in the army of Terrassen. Evangeline didn't say much. Sometimes she nodded or smiled or said short replies. But most of the time she was to busy with staring at Robin. She wanted to kiss him. She wanted to touch him. But most of all she just wanted to be alone with him.
After a while the conversation died and they all had finished their tea, except for Robin. Evangeline was done sitting.
"Robin, why don't I show you the gardens?" Evangeline said with a wink. Robin got the hint.
"Sure." he said, suppressing his smile.
So they left the tea room and walked through the gardens to the stables. Evangeline sent the stable boy away, telling him he should get a break and go to Cook for a snack. The stable boy had gladly accepted that offer and left the stables.
Now they were all alone.
Suddenly she realized she hadn't spoken a word to him directly since he'd arrived. But no words were needed.
She hadn't noticed how close they suddenly stood.
He looked her in the eyes and she looked in his.
And then they were kissing.
Deeply and longing. She wanted more. More, more, more. They kissed, and kissed, and kissed, till she forgot about the world, forgot about the ground under her feet and the only thing she knew was his lips pressed against her and nothing else.
He pulled back to study her face. She felt so happy.
"Do you like tea?" he asked.
She kissed him again.
"No." she giggled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2019 ⏰

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